Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Wheels of Time...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Much time has passed and much has happened since last I posted here. For a short time I expressed myself elsewhere, seeking to keep a more private record of emotional events. Then time and duties and a myriad of other things got in the way... and so here I am once more.

News bytes to summarize the past couple of months: TVRP is still going strong. Bit slow at times, but we're getting toward the pinnacle of chaos and warfare. Bring on the blood! I have been busily penning some of my own works, hoping to have something worth sharing soon. Too many thoughts and ideas, too little time to write them out.

In the world of Heorot we are currently at peace and have recently welcomed some new members-- including two of our dear trainees-- into the main clan. I continue to find my position as Chatelaine of the TG both challenging and rewarding. The primary challenge comes from motivating the one or two trainees that refuse to live up to expectation.

Oddly enough, my work with the applicants that come to us from the city is at times more tedious. There have been too many to keep up with, some simply searching, others truly feeling that Heorot holds their future. I recently received another promotion, which has of course meant more work and stress. Yet... there is always and will always be time for the things that matter most.

Above all else, CBK and our ongoing adventures in Brazil. No need to go into details there. Within the city though, things are less pleasant. Some of the Priests have been attacked and are fighting back. I know he hates to stand back and watch, but he is Heorotian first and our clan has no call to enter the battle. Should he be attacked it would be another story and we would all fight gladly in his defense... but hopefully it will not come to that.

The other night I had a bit of a spat with my childer, Veronique. I... well, it bothered me on a number of levels. No need to go into it, and happily things seem to be back to normal-- I just, well, tend to speak my mind to those I am close to, and it is a hard thing to tiptoe around someone I am used to speaking frankly to.

Then last night I an unexpected message from my former childer. After all this time he apparently decided to address the issue of being severed. From what he said... he thought that it was about the fact that he left the clan. Which is not true, and I tried to explain that... I don't know, just one of those odd moments really. Miscommunication or lack of communication... unlife goes on, moments pass into oblivion-- and my paperwork piles up around my ears.
posted by Creide at 1:16 AM

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