Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Challenges and Rainy Days

Sunday, May 30, 2004

A challenge has been issued in the Asylum. I honestly wonder how many will actually rise to meet it. I took an active role last time... well, active for me. Perhaps this time I shall simmply watch the action unfold.

My poor companion is not exactly thrilled about the way things are going already. I must admit I can see his concern.

Started writing that the other night, but somehow never got around to finishing and publishing it. But I have a moment now, so I s'pose I should post something before Oneirus starts worrying. *snicker*

Finally have a tagboard. Before I forget-- for the record I did not start the fight! Well, not the pillow part of it...

This has been an incredibly busy weekend and my timing has just sucked. I really need to invest in some SoT-- came across not one, but two blue banks last night. Haven't even logged in today 'cause I don't want to see the damage done to my pockets. It was not a bad day though.

It was pouring down rain this morning-- and it reflected the mood of my human. She had a call about her grandmother going to the ER and after a great deal of worry and stress was relieved to find out it was something fairly minor.

Speaking of moods, I must find some of those mood icons. If they're cute enough I might even talk Oneirus into using them. *wicked grin*
posted by Creide at 5:12 PM