Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Barrels and Bull-headedness

Sunday, June 13, 2004

My companion seems to think that I amjealous of an inanimate object. Kenny. There is so much I could say... really. But is he, no it, worth the trouble? Nope! I completely fail to get what in the world Oneirus sees in it. Now if it were a cast of fine Merlot, or even Cabernet Sauvignon... at least then it would have some value to it.

Well, since Onei insists on constantly bringing his little toy up, I might as well have my say in the vain hopes that someone from TG will actually wander by and find something worth commenting on. (HA! the slackers!) I find the slimy thing rather revolting. You would think that when he had the stupid thing fixed he would take a moment to wash it. But no, that would be asking too much. His stupid wooden bucket smells worse than anyof the wee beasties that have come out of my closet. I must say that I'm just glad he wasn't insane enough to think he was taking it home. No WAY is something like that coming through the door!

*sigh* My personal feelings of (alleged) avarice aside, I heartily approve of anything that can breathe life into the TG. It hardly seems like the place I first walked into. Then it was vibrant, full of life-- er, unlife. Everyone was excited to be there and eager to jump in. But now... Sickening really. I think this may be my week to start launching personal barbs. Why not? Have the feeling certain vamps still aren't reading anyway, so of course they can't be insulted!
posted by Creide at 6:10 PM

Ya know... I could give you some quotes. *You* are the one who insists on personifying this hunk of wood. Sad, sad, sad!

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