Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

%@#$ Blogger...

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Wrote a whole long post last night and blogger ate it.Have no clue what I wrote, so have to start all over. I know one thing I wanted to say is that, and I've already explained the sitch to my companion, I may sort of be in and out for a while. My human has several things going on and is super-stressed at the moment. Plus with the new anti-chat rule at work... Not to mention the ongoing war w/ Dell over my brand-new non-working compu... Yeah, well, I'll be on when I can. Hitting my human's email is always good, cuz she's logged into it all day, trying to curb the flood of group stuff, rp bio forms needing approval, etc. Hopefully I will be on in the evenings as always...

Thievery sux. Used to be such an awesome thing, but now... The humans are carrying small change, the vamps are banking more... and I think I need a change of venue.

Well, I must say I am pleased.Paused in my writing to make run-- hopped on transit and skated through a new area. Not bad hunting. First vamp gave up over 300, and it's simply amazing how many in the area were just standing around with cash on hand. *grin* Still, not as good as it could be. Have decided to give up on humans for now. Desperately in need of more SoT. (Well, not desperately, but they certainly come in handy...)

Yesterday I was all set to put up a new post in the TG. Yep, the beast in the closet is ready to emerge. But then Oneirus asked me to wait. Figures... *sigh...* Was kind of excited about getting things going again, too. I can't stand stagnation. Nothing has been going on. Our little play-squabble last week was pretty amusing, but now things are slowing down again. Can't let that happen! If it means baiting poor Oneirus, so be it! Since I have a bit more time to work on the closet, I might have to throw in a little something special for my dear one...

Hm... I think it is great that we started the blogging trend among the ranks. I know I have yet to actually meet some of our sisters and brothers, so I hope even more will start posting. Perhaps I shall even link to some... Who knows? Oh yeah, on the topic of the family-- I have to say that I also think thinning the ranks a bit would be a good idea. Have my own opinions of course, but don't think I'll comment further just yet... Too often someone joins, announces their arrival-- and then *poof* they're gone. Of course our humans all have lives. But if you're online anyway, it only takes a moment to post and say "Sorry, I've been busy. Be back when I can." Find things boring? Well, liven them up! If we all sat around doing nothing, nothing would get done. So get in there and get active! Even if it means bringing in a barrel and obsessing over it...

A couple of weeks ago I actually spoke with one of the trainees Onei mentioned. This one, littlevampgirl, hadn't bothered to read any of the TG posts but, for no apparent reason, lied and said she had. Twice. All I said was something like, "Did you see...?" The fact that she would just volunteer a petty lie about it says something... Not to mention that it was a dumb move. Two questions and she was caught in it. I was in a good mood, so I decided to play nice and be helpful anyway, directing her to FTA and even telling her key posts to read. Needless to say, I didn't believe her when she said she'd post a little something... *lol*
posted by Creide at 8:37 AM

Hmm... Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Creide...

I have my own way to test who doesn't read the TG :)

Oneirus darling--

Have I told you lately how much I adore you? ;)

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