Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Bored Beyond Reason... and Traumatized...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Once again I managed to get away with being irresponsible. Lost all of 20 coins and made it to the bank with over 700. Then I immediately proceeded to do the same thing again. *sigh* Distracted today, I'm afraid.

Oh yeah, I am currently somewhere between bored and exhausted.

Have not seen or heard from Oneirus in a few days, which is not surprising considering the holiday. Really wishing he would get things going in TG or at least come and entertain me though. Speaking of, I had a chat with Pandrora (Why am I so tempted to call her Panda?!)last night and she said suggested *ahem* whipping my companion into shape and the result being an extremely long post. Not sure just what sort of power she thinks I have over him... though it is true that poor Oneirus has only had a small sampling... Ah, she showed me her hideous color-changing background. I am still traumatized... can say no more on the subject. *shudder*
posted by Creide at 3:49 PM

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