Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Enter the Closet

Monday, June 14, 2004

Hm, I suppose I have been putting off the whole "scary-thing-in-the-closet" thread for long enough. So I'm working on it. No, really... OK, so I'm thinking about working on it... Thought about just going all Stephen King and having a giant clown demon come out. But then my brave knight in shining bat wings informed he'd run. Allegedly for sheer comic relief. Riiiiight...
Mmight hafta do something about this barrel thing, even if it means playing dirty.It is getting to be... well, not quite frightening, but a true obsession. Oneirus just accused me of "barrel-envy" of all things. Amazing, absolutely amazing. Somehow talking about that hunk of wood has led to the closest thing we'll probably ever have to a lovers' spat. You know, a little playful name-calling, minor bickering... and now bringing another vamp's name into things... Strange. Inanimate object, animated convo. Perhaps I should rethink my stance on it's existence... NOT! (Does anybody know the name of a reputable termite dealer?)

Nothing major happening in the city at the moment. Sat in on a little meeting last night, which was interesting. But my mind was elsewhere, so I missed a good portion of it. Did a little petty thievery this morning, and I do mean petty. With luck though, I just might be ready to try for suction before the week's out.
posted by Creide at 9:39 AM

Would love to see you TRY to re-educate me. Though I can think of a few things you haven't learned yet... ;)

The humans I've snacked on lately were close to broke. Sux. Ah, reminds me... have a little $ from Pands' evil dice game coming to me.

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