Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

The Hunted

Friday, June 18, 2004

Ah, yesterday. No better way to start my morning than with a random death threat. Ok, maybe not so random. Unexpected, definitely. Just my luck it hit me at an odd moment and sort of rattled my nerves a bit. However, mere moments later the wondrous support system called Heorot kicked into action. I wuv my family! *hugs all around*

Yeah, enough of the mushiness. I actually find the whole personal vendetta thing rather amusing. Yet is is rather childish. If it had happened back when the matter was valid it would be one thing. This, however, is simply a pride issue. Disgusting. I can honestly say that back then I expected it and was ready. I am no coward. I made a decision fully aware of the consequences, and quite expected to get it two ways at once. That was my choice. And for once I truly made the right one.

Anywho, yesterday I was insanely paranoid. Kept popping by the city and looking over my shoulder, expecting to see something at any moment. Nothing. At this point I don't think there will be. Which is fine of course, if a bit less exciting. *lol* Then again, Oneirus frequently manages to keep things exciting enough for me.

Even less exciting is my take from humans the last couple of days. I mean, 3 or 4 coins? Why bother? Out of the 8 or so I snagged yesterday, one had like 70 and one over 100. On the other hand, I hit about 6 vamps in a row that had at least a little something. One yielded 300. So all in all, not too bad I guess.

It pains me to see that none of the trainees (feels so weird to not be one anymore!) are really saying anything in TG. It is not like they're never online. We all know certain ones practically live online, yet they never seem to find time to post anything. Even with a flat-out bribe on the table, they have nothing to say! CBK has seen what participation can bring. I can most definitely say that I would not have gotten where I am if I had decided to sit back and just watch. I wonder how long it will take the rest to figure it out.

Perhaps tomorrow I will relieve Angel of his guard duty and reopen the closet... Hope Oneirus is ready...
posted by Creide at 11:59 PM

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