Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

I Have Arrived!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Finished up suction this afternoon and have been promoted to the main board. Happy! Very warm reception on that end. AQel and I did a little victory dance.

Um... oh yeah. Wow am I tired. All that stalking vamps sure wears a girl out. Interestingly enough, only had one seek revenge. Made some comment about how I "attacked" her and she's generally "peaceful" so she'd just bite me that once. Can you say what-ev-er? *lol* 'K, too tired for this.

So, will leave with yet another convo quote, in honor of my tagboard.

Oneirus : BAH
tureliealasselle: humbug?
tureliealasselle: *lol*
tureliealasselle: what am i s'posed to *bleeping* say?
Oneirus : any *bleeping* *bleeped* thing you want to say
tureliealasselle: well, *bleep*
Oneirus : No..*bleep*
Oneirus : this conversation is *bleeping* hilarious
tureliealasselle: what the *bleep* makes you think such a *bleeping* thing?
tureliealasselle: i might have to *bleeping* post it on my *bleep* blog
Oneirus : I got your *bleeping* blog right *bleeping* here

Yes dear, and here it is.
posted by Creide at 12:04 AM

Thanx hon. I'm not worried about the stuffies. They might wanna worry about me though...

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