Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Last Night... This Morning

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Last night was just... odd.Oneirus was in a mood... was really not quite sure how to deal with it, as he's been one of my main supporters and quite good at getting a laugh out of me lately.
Wish I had been able to do the same for him...

Things have livened up since the reopening of the closet, but then... Not sure what the deal with anti-barrel sentiment was, but in a way I can sort of understand. Where Oneirus is coming from, I mean. He was actually asked to bring it back when things died out a couple weeks back. Sure, I joke about it and we do the whole anti-Barrelology routine... but it's sort of like me and my closet...

I cannot honestly say anything of interest has happened in the city lately. Well, not for me anyway. Still need some SoT. Irked cuz I could've gotten some the other day-- if I'd had one. Mercy, speaking of... Hagen (at least I *think* it was Hagen, but who can tell when vamps don't bother to sign their posts?) was apparently sleeping in a bank I scrolled. Wrong place, wrong time-- not my fault. Fellow clan member or not, even if I'd seen him there's no way I would have risked getting robbed of that much loot just to spare him. Besides, it's part of the game. Happens to everybody sooner or later if they sleep in the wrong spot. Fail to understand why he could't add to the RP since he was there...


Just made a run for SoT. Closest shop was full-priced *grr* but my APs were almost maxed out so I decided to see how much I could save by lightening some vamps' pockets on the way. Pretty satisfied with the results. By the time I hit the bank by the shop, I had to take out less than 300 to buy two.
posted by Creide at 8:24 AM

I'm sure Hagen was actually mad that you scrolled him (in fact I think he was joking), Creide, but you didn't give two shits enough to apologize to him... even after he pointed it out. And you complain of his rudeness, damn.

Not sleeping in banks is a curtesy, if people don't feel the need to be "nice" they don't have to be.

oh, and I meant *was NOT* in my first post.. oops

I explained myself, Hagen understood. It was not intentional. So... that was the end of it. I never said anything about his rudeness. Or said the word "rude" at all actually. So your point was...?

My point was that from your writings you were obviously agitated with him for even pointing out that you scrolled him. I'm trying to say that he was justified and deserves an apology.

... whatever, this is nonesense

If Hagen scrolled Creide you would have a different opinion on the matter, I'm sure.

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