Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Meeting of the Minds (and Non-Minds)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Clan meeting tonight was pretty enjoyable. Well, it would have been more enjoyable if some vamps tried thinking before speaking. I could say more on that, but I think Oneirus handled it pretty well. Something so sexy about vamp standing up for his companion... *ahem* But I digress.

Pandrora was on me about HW'ing again today. Or tried to be, but caught me in the middle of my evil mood. She wisely backed away and I continued to think hateful thoughts until this evening. Then I stepped away from the meeting long enough to do a little legwork. Yep, finally HW'd AA. Was ok, but somehow not the thrill I was craving. Probably because it was nobody worth really troubling about, imo. But off now to new and better things.

Speaking of which, I am on my way to my next power. Sat on the money for a couple days while I stalked my prey. Was not happy about it... Anyway, was honored to receive a personal hop from AQel tonight. What can I say? I'm flattered-- and that's not an easy thing to do.

Finally, jumping back to the topic of Oneirus... (Can you tell where my mind is right now?) Someone asked me today "What do you and your companion do?" What a question to ask, but perhaps my answer surprised her. I told her-- we talk. More than anything, I know I can spend hours simply conversing with him. It is a rare gift to find such a connection and I truly treasure it.

Tonight we had a little talk about just that:

Oneirus : me the kinda off the wall, mercurial force, and you're the calming waters, the one to reign me in
tureliealasselle: pretty much
tureliealasselle: think that's what makes it so much fun
Oneirus : I would think so
Oneirus : actually the best analogy would be like a horse and jockey
tureliealasselle: i know there's always something going on with you...
Oneirus : I want to run...run free and you're making sure I don't burn myself out
posted by Creide at 11:16 PM

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