Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

A New Day...

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Ah! A new day, a new look! I am soooo wired right now!Absolutely hyper! It's all Onei's bloody fault, too. *grrr* Keeping me up all kind of insane hours. He was still bouncing off the walls going on 2am... and still singing... Nothing quite like under five hours sleep and Ace of Base *shudder* to make this vamp a nervous wreck.

After weeks of wondering if we would ever meet in the city, Oneirus popped up in my block last night. He was tickled so of course I had to leave him a message. This morning I had a response and a *cough-cough-dead-cough* flower... The sentiment was deeply appreciated. An altogether different sort of sentiment from a human my human is acquainted with was not, however.

Hm, I was so tired last night that I missed commenting on part of Oneirus' post. Kenny. Yeah, Kenny... the barrel. Think that's all I have to say on that.

One day I will make it there, my love. One day when I finally learn to manage my moves, not that I personally think I have a prob. *lol* I shudder to think how much money I've missed out on in pursuit of disappearing shops and HW. Right now I could be out robbing and plundering, biting and slashing-- but if I do Pand might stake me or something. *heehee* Of course, the company I'm keeping certainly makes my stay worthwhile...
posted by Creide at 10:32 AM

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