Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Not a Bad Run... Concerned...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I have not heard from Oneirus since Friday and his last blog was Saturday. I don't think of myself as a worrier or anything like that, but it is Wednesday... Angel has been moping around all week, forever underfoot and staring at the door. Not what I would call good company, and I'm sticking by my "no pets on the bed" rule.
Which means sleeping solo andshivering. (Yeah, yeah... I know we're cold-blooded. Just work with me on this...)

On a happier note, just hit the bank and am thrilled to say I had over 1k to deposit. Planning is a good thing. However, I find myself drinking less and less as I travel. When given the choice to rob or drink I fear my monetary greed oft outweighs my hunger. On the other hand, I seem to either have developed wonderful luck or simply a knack for staying out of harm's way, so with the humans I find so delicious I still manage to gain a little on the whole.

Things are still insanely dull in the Asylum. We have a couple of newbies though. For some insane reason I decided to play "nice" for a bit and chatted with one last night. (I must be lonely!) Nice enough sort, though perhaps in too much of a rush to find a companion. Before I even joined I had seen more nasty breakups than I care to recall, which is why I was not actually searching. Like I told her, they're vamps out there and if it's meant to be it will be. Good (though potentially crazy) things come to those who wait.

It is my fond hope that by actually talking to my fellow trainees and making nice for a bit I can figure out what turns them on, so to speak-- what will make them actually sit up and post. Another note-- I have decided to call whatever I want. Too many long names and all that. For example, just chatted with View for a bit. Perhaps not as original as the nicknames of certain more creative vamps, but it works for me.
posted by Creide at 9:52 AM

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