Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

OOC Victory Dance

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

*runs around room war-whooping and openly mocking Dell*

what IDIOTS! dunno how many times i called them. i know twice calls were promised that never came. so, i emailed. sure, i played their stupid "we'll help you fix it" games. gave them a week to make me happy. but nope! so i had to tell them TWICE that i paid for a bloody FUNCTIONAL system and it's THEIR job to make sure it works! (think sending that last msg w/ lots of SHOUTING and pointing out that 1) i know my consumer rights, 2) i'd take it to a consumer advocate group if necessary and had 3) i had no intention of letting them give me the runaround until my warranty ran out-- well, that might've helped...) anywho, Dell be damned-- i WON! currently sending in the 10 billion i.d. numbers they've given me so they can send me a NEW CPU!

*dances for a moment on Dell's collective heads, then promptly collapses on keyboard*
posted by Creide at 1:31 PM

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