Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Posts and 'Puters-- and Runnin' Like Hell!

Friday, June 11, 2004

OMG! What a rush... I'm positivelyamazed! The second vamp I hit tonight... over 2600 coins and so of course I got greedy. Wound up racing to a bank. Blue. Next bank, bloody close to being blue. Got in though and put over 3k toward Suction! (Stand back, kids! Vamp girl on a mission!)

Would actually have been here sooner and perhaps had a little time with my loved one... but there's the 'puter prob. My human is a little irked with the infamous Dell right now. Brand-new compu... doesn't work!!! They have 2 days to make us happy, or my human goes on the warpath... and they won't like that! *shudder*

The thing in TG with Fire's request... Hm, well I sorta feel like this. If you don't have 5 mins to spend, why bother? For those that can't make it to meetings and don't really socialize off-board, how else can they expect to learn a thing about the way other members interact? Still amazes me how some vamps-- who will remain nameless-- do not bother to read the board at all and thus have no bloody clue what is going on. And then there are those who do read, but apparently feel that they are above replying to any type of RP. (Hello?! What do you think clans are?!)

Just read Oneirus' latest post. (Hon, you need to add a permanent link to my page, by the way.) Yin-yang... interesting... *lol* Have I told you lately that I absolutely adore you? It is truly nice to know that what I say matters to you, my wild stallion. Hm... wait, that sounded... ah, well. Think what you will, general populace!
posted by Creide at 9:39 PM

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