Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Vamp on a Mission

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Today has been so hellacious... I feel as if I am being blown about like awindmill. (I know, my mood icon phrases get more tedious every day. But do I care?)

Somehow I thought the actual act of finding and biting my 20 vamps for Suction would be at least vaguely challenging. Just started this afternoon and already have 11... or maybe 10. But I'm pretty sure it's 11... unless it's 12. Between yahell and O. I lost count. *sigh* Either way, if I had the AP for it, I'd be done. Simple matter of hitting crowded areas, i.e. banks and stations. Well, the pressure is on and that at least makes it a little fun.

Angel amazes me. He is still keeping a vigilant watch on the closet door as requested. If he has eaten a little monster or few, I'm certainly not going to complain. Might have to make (rather have Oneirus make) a special fire pit for him in the backyard.
posted by Creide at 9:07 PM

Know what? One day you'll be ok... Really. Anywho, finally figured out that I could've just looked at my stats. (So helpful you are... :P) As of this moment, I've got 3 to go... and no bloody APs.

"Normal" and "barrel" do not even belong in the same sentence. And if you like the added attention so much, I'm sure Pandrora and I are more than happy to oblige...

(You know I love it when you growl at me like that! *lol*)

*lol* Thought it was pretty funny m'self. Could be a message there for you... *heehee* No, I will NOT give in to the insane side.

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