Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Being nice...? My Childer

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Weird thing happened this morning.I'm allegedly all mean and evil, right? (Shut up, O.) Well, I get this call from one of my childer asking if I can come pick up a rather tidy sum of money. Poor dear was all out of AP and sitting like 2 spaces from a bank. I was fairly close, so I... I agreed to help. Got there a few minutes before she was ready and so robbed her just for the fun of it. Wanted to see if I'd actually get 75%... was very disappointed to find that I got more like 14%. Odd...

Anywho, she handed over the funds and I skipped into the bank. Told her I'd hang out a couple of hours while my human worked, then she could come get it. The darling childe has now decided she "doesn't feel" like it and that I should keep the coins. No objections here. So I find that it pays to be kind... sometimes.

Ah, childer... When I began my family, I found I had quite a crowd. Of course, I figured the vast majority would be lost to shadows. Honestly, I did not expect more than perhaps one of my childer to survive. Yet I find that I have a handful still going strong. Indeed, since I was chomped on the other week, I find one actually has higher BP than I do. Good job kids! *beams proudly* Now if only I can figure out who the heck a couple of the humans behind the vamps are... *lol* Hm, something pointless to ponder-- if we had a family name, what would it be? (Amusing side note-- when told about my then new companion, one was convinced he should play the role of "daddy" for her. Poor O. was sooo thrilled!)

In other news... Well, there is no other news. Nothing at all major going on. Oneirus is as insane as ever and a good deal crankier at times. *sigh* The TG is quiet-- a lot of people have left, and the biggest thing elsewhere is a developing war on the boards. So... not much to say on that. And poor Onei wonders why I kill time picking on him. *snicker*
posted by Creide at 2:44 PM

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