Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Hail to Hermes!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Glad I took time out last night to build that shrine!The ancient god of commerce and thievery has honored my deed with the gift of good fortune. I woke up after a lovely evening and immediately helped myself to a bit of coinage from some unsuspecting vamps. The first three yielded between 50 and 150 each, which I counted as a nice start. Continued going, got a little here, nothing there... Then on my way to the transit, it happened--

"You stole 1188 coins from ..."

Talk about running like the devil! It was as if Hermes himself loaned me his winged sandals... *stands in awe for a moment then kneels to light candle*

Onei asked me about the happy tone of yesterday's blog. Didn't really have an answer for him because I don't know... just felt like it. Today however, the great vamp himself is almost entirely to blame for my good mood. He practically tortured me last night, refusing to post until I wheedled him half to death. But in the end, it was all worth it. While I do love his wicked side (not so much when directed at me) I think it is nice for others to catch a glimpse of the warmth he so often hides. While we are not very demonstrative outside our own home Oneirus and I do have a special bond all our own. O., in your honor I will say it right for once: "TWEET!" *lol*

The love-birds of TG both say they thought my gift was going to be a ring. Figures, since they're seeing the world through rose-colored glasses and all that sappy stuff. *snicker* Though I have to admit that going on the description the thought briefly crossed my mind. But as I told the big O. himself, I know him better than that. And... seeing as how that remark was met with hysterical laughter, I can honestly say that if my companion ever makes that move nobody will be more surprised than me.
posted by Creide at 2:37 PM

Yeah, yeah, I know our job. :P But still, half of that looks a lot better than half of 46 coins. *lol* As for the love-birds, it could very well be lust... Hard to tell this early on. Too bad everyone can't connect over a pleasant mug of tea. ;)

haha good job with thieving, i was just reading up something on hermes myself, i gotta get my own thief god, we will see what i'll come up with haha, little superstition never hurt anybody. And as for Addah and I you guys are too old to understand :P, haha but being serious i don't know myself so i guess we will have to see and find out and enjoy the ride meanwhile. Speaking of which Creide if you do give Addah a few ideas don't make them too horrible haha put in a good word :P, thats all from me you two enjoy yourselves, ciao
My belief is not a superstition, young one. The ancient god has already proven his powers. You would do well to seek him out.

I could *so* make some comments about you enjoying things, but I'm going sit here and polish my halo instead. But please, define "horrible..."

See? Magical things happen when you officially become a theif for Heorot :D

And is there any reason not to name names? Share the wealth, dammit :)

hmp.... :p first time i comment on your blog and lo and behold... what a topic guys! >:)

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