Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

I Have Returned

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Have actually been back for a couple of days, moving around the city since yesterday morning but was sort of waiting on the right occasion to announce it. Methinks today is that occasion, at least here. Waiting to see what happens elsewhere. More specifically, whether or not I will wind up killing a certain vampire who shall for the moment remain nameless... *lol*
Scary the things I missed... *observes a moment of silencein honor of Bob the bunny*

Well, war took it's toll on me. Down from 3896 BP to something like 2640. Which reminds me... *a few moments later* Ah, that was fun. Spent most of my time biting left and right, then noticed a bank nearby and lifted a few pockets. Hit all of four vamps and dropped close to 800 in my account. It's good to be Creide. (Overlook the bad movie misquote.) Up to 2750 now. And no, I'm not going to keep a running tally. Only thinking about it at all right now because I'm planning on going for Stamina 2.

I notice Oneirus has commented on our recent conversations. Following my remark about it all being pointless he went so far as to label me a... I believe the term was "Barrelist." I do not think he truly understands my views though. In fact, I know he doesn't. *sigh* It is not even that I am anti-barrel. I am content to let it live... er, not live... in peace. Nor do I deny the existence of the Order, as he claims. I find the whole thing rather amusing, possibly even interesting.

Oneirus is simply not exactly convincing. Simple questions meet with no answers, only insults and outrage. I seek to understand and he tags me a non-believer. Oneirus, just what exactly are you asking me to believe? What does embracing the way of the barrel truly mean? I hear others have joined his cause and have considered asking them for an explanation. Then too, I have my doubts... Alas, where my companion treads, confusion often follows. Yes, I know I will have to hear about saying this. Indeed, let me say right now that I do not claim total innocence. However, I must point out that Onei's recent display of a violent streak and general mistreatment of me gives me cause to wonder just what effect this Order has...

On an ending note, my human is slightly less stressed. Her grandma went into the new facility yesterday. Physical therapists are working with her on a daily basis. Ah, and evil family is heading to points north for the weekend. So my human's already informed her poor sister she's commandeering her house for a small pool party... *Mwahahahahaaaa!*

posted by Creide at 8:27 AM

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