Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Onwards and Upwards

Monday, July 26, 2004

Another day, another coin. Singular. Well, ok it wasn't quite that bad. But my luck thus far today is virtually nonexistent. Perhaps I need to start praying or making offerings to Hermes as have so many thieves before me. Hey, why not? Now that I am officially a Shield-Thane I could definitely use the extra support... er, something.
Things have certainly been busy lately.Last night the clan waged a brief war on a certain vamp, but it all turned out to be a nasty setup. The war mongers among us were disappointed, and understandably so. There has been a constant cry for blood recently. Ah, bloodlust... such a beautiful thing...

Inside the Asylum there has been a flurry of activity. AQel has issued a challenge to O. regarding the Order, and he is not taking it well. As I told him, I can see both sides of the matter. I just hope it resolves peacefully. Finally met Vienna last night and she seems very nice. Incredibly outspoken, which has helped the messages fly on the board. In other news, CBK pretty much put his foot in it, and as a result is serving as Pand's slave for a week. He is taking it all in good humor though and he tells me he's rather looking forward to his next week of slavery-- in which he'll be AdDah's personal whipping boy. *snicker* I might have to chat with her and offer a couple of ideas...

I have decided to take a more public stance on things. I doubt I will ever be quite outspoken as Oneirus (which is probably a good thing), but at the same time I realize I have not been as supportive of his myriad causes as I could be. (Just might start the Order of the O. yet...) Anywho, I will probably speak on his behalf-- or rather in support of him-- more often. I would never presume to speak for him. No telling what kind of trouble I'd get into. *lol* His tempestuous nature is such that there is continually some discord going on somewhere-- whether it's over spelling, the Union (now that's an interesting topic) or the Order-- and frankly, I can see where he needs a little cheering on. If I don't stand up for him, who will? Can honestly say we never have a dull moment. Of course, as Vienna said that can add spice... Anyway, for the general public-- as you can see, we're still together, haven't killed each other yet, and I don't think O. yelled at me once last night... ;)

Totally off-topic, but I am loving Blogger's new user-friendly posting tools. I'm too bloody lazy to write HTML for FX and whatnot, so I'm all for it. Two fangs up, Blogger!

posted by Creide at 3:10 PM

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