Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Taking a Moment

Monday, July 19, 2004

I know it has been quite a while since my last post, and I cannot really say when I will get to it again. The joy has sort of died and then my human and I have been insanely busy of late. This has quite possibly been the worst week of robbing I have have had since getting my full Thievery powers. Or maybe I'm just really nervous about disappointing everyone. Either way, I'm really giving it my all,  determined to do what I can to make up for being so bloody late.
Zera popped up in the city and surprised me with a little gift last night. It was so sweet and unexpected, and I truly appreciated it. Have had such tunnel-vision about doing a decent job of things that I have been pretty out of sorts. So I'm sure I've missed most of whatever has been happening lately. Did see this morning that CBK and AdDah have found each other. They are both really great vamps and I think that's pretty awesome. As they will find out, having a companion can be a wonderful thing.
That is something I miss at the moment. Perhaps I am overly sensitive or over-emotional... I am not really sure if Oneirus has truly forgiven me and the only real conversation we have had recently... well, it wasn't one really. I feel like I'm bothering him if I try to talk to him. Human issues and stress really do not help matters any. We used to just joke around and talk for hours on end about everything and nothing. He was always there with words of wisdom or comfort (or insanity), and I did my best to listen and connect with him. No matter how rough things were in the city, we knew we could go home to a good conversation and have a few laughs. Then there was Angel... I miss those days.

posted by Creide at 9:17 AM

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