Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Taking Time Off IRL

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Sorry for those of you used to reading my other blogs. Don't feel like re-writing/posting this for them, so bear with me. Getting a bloody summer cold of all things and have a temp. *grr* I have been so insanely busy IRL that I'm running myself ragged. I haven't had time to really read or post to boards, blog, or do much else lately. Managed to sit in on the big conference last night, but had several other things going on, so wasn't even at my desk for a good deal of it.

My grandmother is still in the hospital. Moved her furniture out of the assisted living place last night so they can give the room to someone else. (Pouring down buckets of rain at the time... fun.) Told my sis I really thought we'd be moving it out for a diff reason-- to which she said she doesn't think Grandma will make it even a couple more months. Probably right-- Grandma can't even feed herself now. Mom is spending pretty much all day every day over there feeding her and whatnot because the nurses say she "won't eat." They don't have the patience to spend 45 mins feeding her and talking her into taking each bite, though I've found out they're actually supposed to. Sort of understandable though I guess... I know didn't realize how much time/effort it takes until it was my turn.

Anywho, between picking up slack at home, everything from my previous post and life online, I honestly have more on my plate than I can handle. Talking about a 19.3 out of 20 on the stress scale right now. Am actually breaking my own rule and having caffeine today in an attempt to stay awake. (Evil drug... now i'm exhausted/cranky and jittery...) Used to be able to manage things while I was at work, but with new projects flying at me I no longer have time here. For that reason, I've already turned over the reins of my various groups to my co-owners or mods and don't know when I will posting to any of the vamp boards again. Definitely not until I either get some rest or things settle down here. A lot hinges on my grandmother's health. Right now I think I need to spend what free time I do have with my family. I will try to stop in where I can when I can though, and hopefully keep up with personal email, so feel free to give me a buzz. (snickers_blk@yahoo.com)

That said, I wish all of my brothers and sisters of HoH nothing but the best in this time of war. I'm proud of you guys. Just hope next time I'll be able to actually participate. :(

To everyone else... wuv you guys. Will miss you all!

posted by Creide at 9:09 AM

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