Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Bothered... an Editorial

Monday, August 30, 2004

There is a question with an accompanying poll on the MB. I find some of what has been said thus far quite interesting. Of course, some has raised questions, and as always I have my own. Thus, I feel moved to put my thoughts in writing. Should I feel moved to repost any portion of this to the board, it will undergo some revisions. For now, what you read here may offend or affront. While this is not my intent, I will not blunt my words for the sake of feelings. You may count this as my own private editorial on the war, or Creide's Critical Commentary, if you will.

More than ever I feel this entire situation is about to move beyond all hope of spin-doctoring. To me, evil is relevant. Honor, however, is not. There is no gray area where we call into question other clans and their choices. There is only our own standard, the one by which we have all chosen to live our unlives. It is a black or white decision-- either we maintain the high standards we have set for ourselves, or we run away in disgrace like some beaten cur with our collective tail between our legs. What is the SC that it could drive us to such depths of depravity? Would we be less for taking a defeat nobly, or more for knowing when to cut our losses?

It is a far better thing to die with honor than to live with downcast face. A public leave of absence for us as a clan is probably the best option. Indeed, I think it more than wise for certain ones among us-- those who would not be silenced-- to leave the discussion floor altogether. We need time to regroup and lick our wounds if we are to ever achieve that to which we strive. It is time to take stock of what we really have and what we really are, time to build morale and seek to better ourselves.

As a simple clanswoman I am not in a position to protest some things done by those over me. I can but speak my mind. Yet... I question some decisions. Granted, I see only what information is revealed to us, but what I have seen on some fronts is nothing to be proud of. I burn with shame each time I see a childish comment or pointless argument signed "HoH" on the boards. I understand that some of the more outspoken among us are true warriors and true Heorotian patriots. Regretfully, fortitude in the field of battle and willingness of spirit does not make one an eloquent or even respectable speaker. Look for a moment at armies throughout human history. The soldiers and their sergeants did what they knew best. Meanwhile, those better suited to it spoke on their behalf, staging treaties or planning engagements. Still others did the footwork, serving as scribes and delivering communications.

Perhaps we should place a little less value on such things as warrior status, and more on verbal strategy within the public eye. Indeed, had such outbursts and responses as the ones that sparked the current line of SC insults and verbal abuse been reined in, as I believe was earlier suggested, there would be little need for us to withdraw from the public arena at the present.
This war, in my own opinion, would have been better fought silently, if only because words are what brought us into it. It is often said that you cannot argue with a fool. So may it also be said that only a fool seeks to argue. In that, I truly respect our leader's decision to withdraw our members from the public boards. However, I feel it imperative that we do so in such a manner that we manage to retain some modicum of respect, both for the sake of our own brethren and in the eyes of others. Each ounce of respect lost is one more we must fight to regain as we proceed with other plans.

My one suggestion at this stage is to install someone of more a even temperment into a position of grace. I am not speaking of an advisor or lieutenant, which we already have. This person would serve primarily or solely as a messenger and speaker in the public realm. They would essentially handle clan PR and act as a liason, becoming if you will, the Voice of Heorot, and speaking at the behest our Lady. Perhaps there is already such a position. If so, I have certainly never seen or heard anything of it... which speaks for itself.

Please feel free to post comments or speak to me directly. I am more than open to discussion on an of the afore-mentioned topics.
posted by Creide at 3:41 PM

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