Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

A Cry for Help...

Monday, August 23, 2004

Last night was just... frightening. Of course, Oneirus did not bring the machete into the TG until tonight but... I have seen it, and I know it well... All too well. Allow me to relive the moment for you--

Oneirus: cha cha cha ha ha ha
Oneirus: *dons hockey mask*
Creide: *backs away slowly* um... hon?
Oneirus: *tips head to one side*
Oneirus: cha cha cha ha ha ha
Creide: that's soooo not funny... *backs away a bit more*
Oneirus: *steps forward slowly*
Oneirus: *pulls out machete*
Oneirus: cha cha cha ha ha ha
Yes. Now you have seen it for yourselves. I only hope that those of you reading will bear witness should anything... untoward... happen to me.
posted by Creide at 10:00 PM

so just who the devil IS responsible? no way you're pinning this one on the cows...

not buying it.
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