Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Feeling Unsettled...

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Oneirus is back. And not surprisingly, he came in with a roar. What can I say? Words... I know that there were many spoken last night, though I can only imagine what they were. After last night I find myself with much to consider and know that I am not the only one.

My companion knows that he is very dear to me and... well I won't go into all of that. But sure, there are things we disagree on and there always will be. I may not support all of his ideas but I do listen. In listening I find he has some very worthwhile things to say. The simple fact that he says what no one else will speaks for itself. It is never an easy thing to go against the flow or speak against the majority... yet is it not a necessary evil? Regardless of how the message is delivered, is it ever a bad thing to point out possibilities?

It is easy to get caught up in the excitement and turn a blind eye to the worst case scenario. Perhaps it would be wise to at least heed the words, file them away for future reference, even though we may not agree.

When Oneirus speaks, sometimes I can never be sure whether it is what he says or how he says it that starts the fire. When we first got together there were jokes about me controlling him. That in itself is perhaps the biggest joke of them all. Oneirus is very much his own vamp, as anyone can see. I can only advise him as he does me... particularly about the delivery of certain things. But the best way to deal with him is simply to listen. True he is opinionated and can at times be harsh, but he will listen in turn. Besides, you never know what he might say. ;)
posted by Creide at 12:51 PM

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