Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Mooving Along

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Amazing how times of turmoil serves to tighten ties and bring people closer. It seems that it also adds depth and in an odd way, joy. Even in the midst of war of the ongoing war, I find reason to smile. The past few days with Oneirus have been absolutely amazing. Our conversations are entertaining enough, but now we have added a new form of communication. Yes, a regular exchange through the HBS (Human Bob System, aka email) which has left both of us laughing insanely. Then there is the post Oneirus left in his blog. Apparently even the undead can blush... I certainly did when I read it.

Yes, I agree with him about "us." What we have is something truly unique and special. We don't feel the need to impress anyone, or try to convince the world that we're meant to be. We simply exist, communicating and taking time to enjoy life together. There is some secret to our success and I think it might be as simple as... well, being ourselves. It is not anything we consciously strive for or work at. Pushing things only leads to problems, and there are enough of those outside of our relationship. *lol*

Regretfully, the main problem I am seeing right now is this war. In future days it may even be known as the "Neverending War" but for the moment it is enough that it is wearing on all of us. We have gone through insane amounts of resources, our leaders are too close to death for comfort... and still it continues. In addition, AQel's plan is apparently very much in the works behind closed doors. We have all been told to take the first step and join the group. I was the third to do so... But I have questions, concerns... many thoughts on both it and this war with Shadow Court. Oneirus tells me repeatedly to speak up, that I have some valid points...

Yet I have not been so moved since my first and only post on the matter. In my position I am powerless... I fear my words would fall on deaf ears. Of course I know that some do listen, but so often one small voice is not enough to raise interest. And of course I don't have the... ferocity of my companion to spur me onwards. Simply gentle nudges from behind, but how much effect they truly have is yet to be seen. Perhaps one day soon, particularly if things should continue down this destructive path to nowhere, there may come a moment when I at last speak out and do my best to drive my point home. For now, I wait and watch...
posted by Creide at 10:32 PM

why thank'ee right kindly. ;) but no, *i* don't hafta love it... :P

didn't hurt your poor human's ribs laughing, did you? *tsk, tsk*

gee, really? hadn't even... noticed. yeah. um, don't you have a case or something for... that??? perhaps you should put it away so it doesn't... get messed up or something.

being helpful ;)
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