Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Planning & Plotting...

Friday, August 27, 2004

There has been a flurry activity in our little corner lately.

First, and foremost, though she longed for a rest and planned her fall, I wish to observe a moment for our fallen one, Pandrora. Goodness knows she deserves a rest, and I hope it is a good one-- .... *lights candle in her honor*

Now then, I have acquired a wee bit of Shadows. Really want to do Cel 2, but... yeah. Actually kinda told O. that I'd get to it when the guilds move again. *grumble* But might wait another week... dunno yet.

More exciting is "The Hunt of the Vampires," the TG RP. Oneirus has been writing feverishly for the past few days. His muse is in serious overdrive. I swear he's had me chained to the desk lately... um... threatening me. Yeah, yeah, threatening me with the chainsaw if I don't post... *blink* Honestly, he has massive plans for this thing and though he insists on not taking more credit, it's truly his baby. Poor "pups," as he calls them-- they have NO clue what they're in for...

posted by Creide at 11:59 PM

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