Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Telling Tales and Powering Up

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Busy 24 hours here. Well, not really but I feel like I have actually accomplished something. Posted the first part of Creide's Story to the Asylum. I didn't get to the part where I am confronted and attacked by my sire, but it is written and will be included in the next segment, along with my first kill. *yum*

As for the turning itself-- the process of death and rebirth... It is too painful to speak of just now. Each time I try to write it down, I clutch my pen with a death grip and my wellspring of words runs dry. I fear that it will defy description altogether, that mere words cannot express the unspeakable agony...

Speaking of agony, I finally shelled out the cash for Stamina 2 today. On my way to be branded for 1,000 BP. Such a lovely idea, really... NOT! Actually don't really care. *shrug* Have been looking at the other powers and trying to figure out what to do next. May flip a coin. *lol* Or I could try flipping Oneirus. That might be fun, though it wouldn't quite accomplish anything. ACK! Gotta go get Angel! Don't know why Onei tied him up anyway. No wonder they can't get along-- Angel is a free spirit... a demonic spirit, but a free one...
posted by Creide at 10:58 AM

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