Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Thoughts & Things...

Saturday, August 28, 2004

First of all yes, I am pleased to present two new entries at once.Or there will be as soon as I finish this. Granted the other one is postdated, but I actually did write it then. Anywho...

My wondrous companion is truly insane. That's all there is to it. *lol* I adore him, but if he gets any more excited about this RP project he just might work me to death. Amazingly enough, Oneirus has in effect become my muse. We do well working together. He has more ideas than I can count and seems happy with the way I put them in print. Almost like I set the stage and he fills it with players, assigning each a script... and together we move the strings to put them in place. Now if I can just get him to kill the chainsaw and machete...

I started my Celerity 2 quest today. I'd declared I would do it as soon as the guilds moved again and I'd maxed my AP. So... of course my first bar is 116 bloody moves away. So not fun. And it really sucks using Alleyway and knowing it would only have been 21 with the transit system. *pout*

There is something minor that I must deal with at some point. Not anything for concern, strictly personal. I tend to be mildly paranoid at times. But not this time... For now I shall simply say though I may not appear to notice things, rest assured I do. If I choose not to acknowledge them it is for reasons of my own. Rest assured I take careful note, however some things are better left unsaid.

posted by Creide at 1:15 PM

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