Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Uninspired... but Looking Forward

Monday, August 16, 2004

Been awhile since my last post. It is not so much a lack of time as lack of inspiration.Things seem to be settling down now, lulling us all into silence. We are still at war but as AQel says, it is primarily a battle of will. Quiet, very quiet.

My thieving efforts this week have been less than spectacular and I was not able to make my drop-off at the usual time. Not that there is such thing as a usual time-- Pand can vouch for that. *lol* This time it is a good thing in a way, since it makes up for the time I spent running across the city for my latest power. Want to make a deposit tonight, so giving it one last go today. *pauses to light candle* May Hermes guide my steps to those too unwise to bank. Started the morning out fairly well... "You stole 589 coins from Hilaguard." But alas, that is the most I have taken off anyone lately. Odd side note... I happened across Lord Kain (14934) this morning in the vicinity of Kraken & 8th.

Even in the TG it is quiet. Without CBK and Oneirus around... *sigh* No recent word from Addah lately either. But on the up side, Hagen has returned and from the sound of it, is ready to join the fight. As for me... Well, I feel like I am frozen in time... I could post the next part of my story, but it isn't time. With the ongoing war taking precedence in the main house, I have no desire to interrupt with a personal epoch. And not having posted any of it there, I do not feel it is right to continue posting it in the Asylum. So... until the war is over and we approach happier times...

AQel posed an interesting idea for the house to ponder. I came fully out of my shell for once and said my piece. Not sure any of it was worth hearing, but the whole thing is something I have given a great deal of thought to. Perhaps because in some small way I rather enjoy the intrigue of politics. And though I make no claim to know or understand the vast majority of what happens in the city, it does seem that we are in a rather interesting position. Our clan has a great deal of potential and the desire to do great things, and I feel that no matter the outcome of this war, we have much to look forward to. Much as I look forward to the return of my companion.
posted by Creide at 11:10 AM

Well goodness, between your request and Addah's plea in the TG, how can I resist? *lol* Can't keep my public waiting.


BTW, missed you! *hugz*
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