Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

What a Kill-Joy... *lol*

Monday, August 09, 2004

It is just plain sad that my companion expects me to take time off mykilling spree to post. Just cuz he's back in his office slaving over a ton of paperwork (and throwing out my personal correspondence) while I'm out having a blast... *blink-blink* And now he's threatening me. Yeah. Did you see that tag? Not pretty. Not believeable either. *lol* Oh well. I hope poor Oneirus will be able to join us soon, but of course matters of clan duty take precedence. I am sure he will at least find time to go pick up my beloved Hell Hound. Hm... I do hope the aptly-named Angel won't give him too hard a time... *snicker*

Things are quite fun in the Asylum at the moment. Now that we've escaped the confines of the bar, Addah and I are playing a wonderfully gory game of Kill the Bobs. Best kind of game there is-- nobody really loses except the humans, and they don't count. I wonder if anybody in the MB would be interested in that sort of RP, since RP itself seems to be a hot topic of late. Could prove interesting... Perhaps I shall think more on it and see what my twisted mind can produce. We also have a new trainee, Kathiana, who seems pretty cool. Of course, anybody that brings a custom-made jacket bears watching... *lol*

Things have been busy. We're at war again and it looks to be a rough ride. I am still forced to sit on the sidelines for lack of Stamina. *grr* But I have done what I can as a Shield-Thane. Just about broke the bloody bank here, so I am seriously hoping for some good hunting this week.

Speaking of thieving, while things have been slow off and on, I have not neglected my duties to Hermes. Quite the opposite, in fact. I have even come up with a new addition to my tagline-- "Heorotian for Hermes." I can only pray that he goes with me and guides my hand to as many rich pockets as possible. Last night's hunt was not too bad. My second vamp yielded over 1200. I copied the line to paste, but explorer crashed and I lost it. *sigh*
posted by Creide at 11:37 AM

See? See how you do me? Such nagging... *long-suffering sigh* FYI dearheart, the first part is finished and ready to go. Plus, I'm well into the second part. I WAS going to let you have the first read. But now... Oh, and cut me some slack about Angel-- after all those bloody shots... 'Sides that's what I have you for. ;)

Now, now, settle down. Is all that mulit-tasking starting to wear on your nerves? *look of concern* Nagging, pointing out flaws, being critical... same diff. >:P

Ah, and if you will allow me to point out a key statement from my post you will see that I am well aware of your duties. And do in fact respect your fulfillment of them.

"I hope poor Oneirus will be able to join us soon, but of course matters of clan duty take precedence."

Now honestly, is it *my* fault I don't have duties? I am doing all I can with the job I do have. I know he's mine and I adore him. If he is such a *burden* to you, feel free to send him to me. That's one command you can give that he might actually listen to.

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