Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Pawns in the Game

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

It disgusts me. It truly does.We are the vampiric nobility, sired rulers of the city, a breed apart. Yet here we find ourselves running, ducking into shadows and hiding from the very creatures we trample underfoot. The very humans that sustain our unlife now seek to destroy us. The very thought of our small group slinking into the darkest heart of the human infestation only to be attacked and trapped like birds in a snare turns my stomach. They should not be so armed, able to move faster than we can. It is as if the deer have suddenly turned the rifles on the hunters.

It would not be so bad if they were simply out to kill us and finish us off at once. Of course, we would still stamp them out-- but this is something more. These hunters are a breed apart and clearly wish to taunt us, torment us, make us suffer... How dare they? I will not find an end to my immortality at the hands of mere cattle! Nor will they be allowed to play us like pieces on a chessboard without reaping just punishment for their insolence.

Yet I fear that for all our anger this will be a long battle. We have need of patience and strength in the face of this danger. The young ones are faring well thus far. Most have proven steadfast, following unquestioningly and standing ready to fight. It may not be enough though. They are still slow to listen at times, and if we are seperated... well, that will be the true test of their abilities. It is not for me to play nursemaid or run to their aid. To their advantage, they appear to have realized that these mechanized humans are no toy demons spilling from my Closet. No, these are monsters among men, their thirst for blood as strong as my own...
What Oneirus says is true. I am succumbing to bloodlustand I know it. Have not been trying too hard to fight it either. But can you truly blame me? Since awaking from the passionate rush of my first kill I have not given myself to violence. Humans are always within reach and I have been humane in my feeding, sparing them any undue suffering. Even while playing the game I only took down two, and did not waste a single drop of blood. Facing this rebellion makes me regret my leniency and I long to watch their blood flow like rivers. I have not felt so driven in a long time, perhaps too long. For now though, I must control my desire, thinking things through carefully and putting what little wisdom I have to good use. To do anything else would be to jeopardize what safety we now have-- and I do not think we can afford to take that kind of risk.
posted by Creide at 3:58 PM

Stupid stupid vamp. You THINK you're nobility. In reality, you walk the night ONLY because those who were here before us, LET YOU. Now you and your kind will RUN from us. Do you feel that? It's FEAR. What you night crawlers have done to us, we shall do to you. Maybe I should personally find you, spike you, cut off your withering head and then burn that buddy that you've infested.

It's time to die vampire. Time to die.
Ah, such big words from a lowly human too cowardly to even sigh a name. What is wrong, mortal fool? Do you fear that I would come in the night to claim your blood? For indeed I would, and count it punishment for your insult to my station.

Come for me-- if you dare. I have no fear of you. Such is beneath my kin. Humans are mere fodder, born to sustain and amuse. Will you not come learn your place beneath the gentle caress of my fangs?
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