Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

New Horizons... Unplanned Editorial

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Well, Oneirus and I are setting out upon yet another new venture. Our new RP home has already met with questions, but frankly I see no reason for concern. Had a nice chat with AQel about it the other day and explained my views. So... that's really about it. It is not in my nature to worry about such things. TVRP exists for the sole purpose of making us happy. Writing, creating stories from wild ideas, perhaps finally doing a real adventure starring the Fearsome Four-- these are the things that most please us, therefore... these are the things we will do. *lol*

All of the OOC junk and endless discussions about every little thing that happens within the game are fine and well in their place. However, they make it rather hard to follow a storyline. Recent events in VADA are a prime example of the problems that arise when humans enter vampire territory. Stories should have their place as well. When the time came for me to finally publish part of my own story, I was unable to share it with my clanmates due to the ongoing war. And let us be frank and realistic here-- the majority of them do not take time to read files. If it is not actually posted, nobody sees it. Even then things are often overlooked. Or maybe they just don't care... Be that as it may, if we had an RP board it would not have been a problem. Those needing a reprieve from war could have escaped to it and enjoyed a human-free, war-free existence before returning to the eternal lists of blood won and lost.

What I fail to understand is why an RP hall should be such an issue at all. This is the very same idea that was posed to the MB just a couple of months ago. At the time, a few members of the clan found fault with it and it was shot down. That is something else that made no sense to me. If they had a problem with another board... nobody was holding HW to their heads and forcing them to join! We Heorotians were big enough to walk away from RVRC; these members should be mature enough to keep their negativity to themselves and allow others to choose freely. None of this "oh no not another board to keep up with" garbage. It was just plain selfish for them to deny others the opportunity to express themselves.

I cannot even say for sure that the majority felt that way as, to my recollection, there was no poll done to ascertain individual opinions. Come to think of it, I think I shall suggest that next time an issue comes up. Yes, polls are irritating, but they do have their use-- for one thing, the quiet members have equal chance of getting their vote heard. Which could possibly have made all the difference here. Why? Somehow it seemed like the same handful that finds fault with pretty much anything that might bring about change-- *gasp* heaven forbid-- complained more loudly than anyone else could ever hope to support it and effectively drowned out anything positive that may have been said.

In my view this new creation, this brainchild of the Big O. and his faithful, yet still somehow sane companion, may simply be viewed as a tiny ripple in a big pond-- it does not necessarily reach the whole, or make much of a change-- but it does prevent stagnation.
posted by Creide at 10:58 AM

oh wow, i'm slack...

thanks for stopping by Keith. *lol* you should check out the game if you haven't already.

Addah, thrilled to have you on board. have some... interesting things planned already. i'm working on a new story that may become a whole new RP in itself-- if O. doesn't jack the whole thing first! ;)

sure O., tell me anything... :P *lol*
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