Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Observations and Obstacles

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The task handed to me by the Warden is that of seeing the trainees safely to the machinist Kathiana spoke of and seeking out any knowledge or clues he may have as to the identity of those that stalk us. I decided to take every possible precaution, arming myself and the accompanying loyalist regiment well. Each human is assigned to a specific vamp; any would willingly die for their charge.

Following our amazing victory over the mob, spirits in our little group are running higher than they should be. They have had too much time to relax and put themselves at ease. I could see it when I briefed them-- the fear that once threatened to consume them is now nothing but a dying ember. In the thrill of victory is it easy to forget how much luck was involved, or how much careful planning. They did not see the archers on the wall or witness the horror of their Warden possessed. Nor did they see him lying helpless, bleeding profusely and speaking with Death.

I saw all of this, and I have seen more. I wish that I could tell them of the dread which fills me, the dark cloud I feel descending over all of us. Yet I cannot even explain it to myself. I simply know. I can feel it in the air and taste it on the wind-- something terrible is coming for us and this time we may not have luck on our side. For every human we managed to kill in the battle, there exist two more that would do anything to end our reign, even should it mean sacrificing their own lives and freedoms. They may fear us, but they do not sleep.

For the moment I can only wait for whatever the machinist has to offer. I doubt somehow that any hidden secrets will buy us time or opportunity. Yet it is something to do, something that for only a moment may take my mind from the more pressing question-- the location of my companion.

How strange it is that one who holds a piece of my very heart and soul within him should vanish from my sight so easily... How much stranger that the one being I trust more than any other is the one who hides the most secrets from me. Something feels terribly wrong. It felt wrong before he left and feels worse now. There was a reason for his silence, I know it. He went to seek something and I fear for him should he find it. Wherever he is, I am with him and I can pray only for his safe return.

Pray... What an odd thing from the lips of a vampire. They say we are accursed, that we are monsters roaming the night in eternal damnation. Is a lion evil because it must kill in order to subsist? Despite the sordid life of shadows we must lead in order to survive, we are... very like humans. Colder, harder, yes-- as any must be to endure unending days. Yet we bleed, we hope, we love-- we may even be killed. I do not think my soul was lost in changing, so in some way it seems right that some remnant of my human faith must remain.

And right now, a little bit of faith sounds better than a lot of fear.
posted by Creide at 10:05 PM

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