Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Beyond Betrayal...

Friday, November 05, 2004

Am I not only to be damned eternally, but eternally a fool as a well? This unlife, this mockery of life, is not of my own choosing, but it is mine. Am I to be hated, feared-- betrayed-- all for simply existing?

The humans have long feared us and I admit, yes openly confess, that we have preyed upon that fear. We allowed it to consume them even as we consume them and yet... Are we truly monsters, demons, to be cursed and cast into darkness? We relish blood, require blood-- and yet we secretly despise it, the way it calls to us, kindles within us an unquenchable thirst. Are we to be faulted for simply doing what we must to survive?

My thoughts now are dark and growing ever darker. The strange fantasy world in which happiness existed is shattered, leaving me disgraced among my kind. My very soul seems to escape me, leaving me mired in ice and sinking toward madness. The one vampire to whom I gave my heart and soul is gone, moved beyond reach. In his place is a human monster with burning eyes and razor tongue. Saint Jimmy.

A saint that lies and deceives, that lives to kill. Why did he live so long as a vampire, allow himself to be part of our world? How can it be that his concern for the clan, the trainees-- his love for me-- was all a lie? Is this human who speaks with the mouth of Oneirus to be believed? Did my companion ever truly exist?

For now, it does not matter. This Jimmy and the Hunters, led by one called Boris, have moved against us and I cannot accept the fate they would hand us. I will not let all we have worked for fall to ruin. I will take any measure to ensure the survival of our home and the death of those who would slay us. And then... I will hunt him.

If Oneirus is truly dead to me, I have no choice. Any human that dares to make such a mockery of us, of me, does not deserve to live. And any vampire that sides with humans deserves the worst torments I can imagine. Whether he is human, vampire or some tainted mixture of both, he will taste the sorrow he has brought me.

Yes, dearest user and betrayer you are now mine even if you were not before. With all the strength left in me I will hunt you down. And when I find you again... I will be more than ready. They say you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and none were closer to me than you. I know the very beat of your heart, the scent and taste of your blood... and oh, how I will savor it. Your life is forfeit.

posted by Creide at 11:24 AM

Help ME...Help YOU....DIE. Soon you shall know pain. For the Light burns the unholy creatures of the Dark. So as it was written, so shall it be.

Mark my words...your time of tyranny is coming to an end...
Look to your own death, for it draws ever closer. When did you last walk in the light of day? Set yourself upon a pedestal of righteousness-- you who have the blood of countless humans and vampires alike on your hands-- and you will fall all the farther.
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