Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

OOC Answer and Other Thoughts

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The question has been posed-- why didn't Creide make use of the list of names given to her in the TG RP?

It can just as easily be asked why Oneirus didn't use them before Jimmy reemerged. The answer is simple-- lack of opportunity. In spite of the fact that this thing has dragged on and on with large periods of nothingness, there has not been a lot of time between the various incidents.

Creide just now assumed control of the keep and in one of my last posts, she had Killian send loyalists out to various places to find information. It was never specified where.

I have spent a great deal of time talking to O.'s human about the RP and the game world in general. As I told him, along with the humans behind the other vamps, I had a rather well-formulated plan. The humans would have returned with more information about the location of the Hunters, Creide would have met with the vampires and given them their instructions, and things would have moved on from there.

My personal choice in weaponry has stayed predominantly in the more historic realm-- medieval swords and bows, etc. Frankly, I believe it provides more of a challenge. There is more to any real war than brute strength and force. However, it's apparent that everyone doesn't feel that way. There is nothing I can do about that.

Yes, I know the vamps were slated to win from the beginning. But I NEVER wanted to simply roll over the Hunters. My only wish for the finale was to come up with a strategy good enough to win without taking unfair advantage. I was truly looking forward to going up against another writer with actual creativity. The fact that my plans were literally given up before I ever had a chance to put any of them into action bothers me more than anything else.

When I specifically tell someone what I am planning and ask that they NOT make mention of it, there is a reason for it. In this case I was explicit and explained exactly why I wanted to keep things under wraps. I even went so far as to say that Creide would make assignments at the meeting she had scheduled for an hour later. The more I think about it, the more it bothers me. While I understand that it was not done with ill intent, the fact remains that it was, among other things, disrespectful and inconsiderate. I feel like I pretty much got walked on, and I don't appreciate it.

Honestly, in a way I suppose I should have seen it coming. It all boils down to one major thing-- people don't really READ the other posts and write whatever they want to. We saw countless inconsistencies over the past few months-- vamps appearing in different spots than their own posts left them, timing being shot all to hell... Yeah, there were OOC posts asking everyone to read before posting, but aside from that we let things slide. It was an RP, after all, which meant there's no such thing as "set in stone." We all thought we could just "write around it" and ignore it.

Not this time. I should have been as harsh as I wanted to and called the human writers by name on the board. I could have pointed out the problems and let them know when it was OBVIOUS that they skipped over whole posts. But I didn't, and it escalated.

The RP has been a series of disappointments. People start, they stop, they forget or get too busy. Understandable for those with work and school and other priorities. On the other hand, if you have time to chat, is it really impossible to find five minutes ever so often to write a little something, even if it's to say "sorry, don't have time now so you can write me out?"

Damn people, if you don't bloody CARE about the RP, don't participate. Nobody is making you do anything. Nor should anybody have to beg and plead with you to post at all, whether for the story or as a requirement. I do not know any of you personally and could care less if this hurts your feelings, but some of the humans behind these vamps are just plain sorry. None of you are so special or such wonderful writers that it can't be done without you.

Why have I come to specific people and asked them to post then? The PROBLEM comes when you write yourself in and then vanish. It screws up the storyline and makes things harder for the rest of the group. I should NOT have to ask or tell you to post because you wrote yourself into something and then got bored with it. Be mature and step out if you need to.

I'm sick and tired of it. I really am. It's even happening in the TVRP story now. People waltz in... and that's it. Enough. If you can't contribute, get out. If you can't be bothered to leave on your own, get ready cause we will PUT you out. The group was designed with a purpose, and that purpose can be fulfilled with or without one or two posts from people that could care less.

Of course, more than just the story is bothering me. I'm not happy with the game RP in general right now. Sure, my vamp is making progress, but without the RP side of things, what's the point? The RP just plain sucks any way you look at it. So, there will definitely be a second part to this tirade. And believe me-- it won't get any nicer than this.
posted by Creide at 11:52 AM

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