Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

OOC, Part II

Thursday, November 18, 2004

OK, picking up more or less where I left off with the previous post...

I fail to see any real reason for a lot of what goes on, but at this point it doesn't matter. I'm bored with it all. I'm tired of seeing the same people posting the same things over and over. I'm tired of watching what few original ideas do pop up get swept under the rug or downplayed because they might disrupt things, or require actual creativity. Or, heaven forbid, steal the spotlight.

Most of all I'm tired of the pettiness and the RL-OOC clashes. Too often things happen or fail to happen because of grudges, likes or dislikes. Don't like me or my character. Fine. I promise I won't cry, and neither will Creide. Yes, I had my reasons for sticking it out so long. Certainly not to take advantage of any great benefits.

Creide has given far more money to the clan than was required of her. While we were at war, she gave all she could afford to give because she took her job as a Shield-Thane seriously. In return, she has been ignored, overlooked, and discounted. She has not really asked for anything from anyone, but it is next to impossible for her to find so much as a decent conversation or reply post. What good reason does she have for even thinking about staying in Heorot?

If you are thinking protection and advancement, allow me to acquaint you with the facts. The one and only time Creide came under attack, it was something that should never have happened. Yes, she broke a blood contract and by rights her life was forfeit, but the decision had been made to overlook it. That is, until things were said that should not have been. Creide was used then and very much aware of it. However, it was not the time to make a move. She had reasons for staying. Among them, she wanted to know where things would eventually go. Now she knows-- nowhere.

Right now Heorot is offering her nothing. It is slowly bleeding her dry. Nobody truly cares, with the exception of the same steadfast handful. She steals, she gives, she gains powers, life goes on. She sits in the TG for no reason other than to keep her companion and the few vamps that actually talk to her company. Something is very wrong when a member of the main clan feels more welcome and at home among the trainees and considers that her home moreso than the main board.

The one other task she has actually been asked to do is... well, less than essential. It serves some small purpose, but in a way it makes little sense. Regardless, she throws herself into it completely. Surprisingly, that alone has yielded more pleasurable results than reading endless hit posts and silly chatter about nothing at all. I have often wondered why there was not a separate place for hits and attack information. Common sense and experience should have shown that a storyline RP will NOT flourish in such a place.

When Oneirus and Creide stepped outside the clan to create Tales of the Vampire-RP I was told that adding yet another board to the slew of Heorot-owned and Heorot-used boards would divide us. I was also told that it might take up too much our time, and that the clan might lose us because of it. The obvious benefits of the group were completely overlooked for these reasons. There are no long lists of rules about insulting other characters and players, because there is no OOC. No worrying about saying the wrong thing or stepping on somebody toes because there is no conversation at all, just stories. Yet most people don't even know it exists. Is there truly any valid reason for that?

My time is my own. I currently own and manage five other groups, including an extremely active one with almost three times as many members as the clan board has. Not to mention the dozens more I'm a member of. Offline I work, commute an hour each way, do grad school, spend time with friends and family, have several other hobbies and... well, a life. Yet, if you take a look at the Shield-Thane and TG boards, it's obvious that I can spare more than enough time for clan. So no, that's not reason enough for Creide to just wander off. She loves this clan, she truly does. It was where she met her companion, where she learned that achieving powers was not impossible, where she made a few friends in a city full of strangers.

What is enough reason is simply that this is not as much fun as it was at first. It was a lot more fun when Creide was a trainee than now that she is a full-fledged member. I did not expect to tire of it so quickly, but then I suppose I expected too much in the first place. I sought a special niche, a place where Creide would be acknowledged and fit in. To me, a clan should offer camaraderie. Yet I would not even know some of the other members if I passed them in the city. Perhaps Heorot is just too big. Or perhaps there are just too vamps that don't care, that just go through the motions.

Creide doesn't want to become like that. I don't want her to be that way. There is life in her. It may not be as wild as that in her companion, or as scripted, or warm, or even noble as some others. Yet there is something there, too much to be silenced and ignored.

So now I stand at a crossroad. I have said this much privately before, but now I say it publicly. Within the next few days I will make my decision whether or not to continue with the clan or go it alone. If I pull her from the clan, she will still be in the game, just as I will still be sitting here behind her. She will still look on the House of Heorot with fond memories and wish them the best. If I decide to stay, I only hope it will not be a decision I later regret.

posted by Creide at 2:57 PM

well i've said all of this when i was talkin to O. or his human, so i guess if you read my comments there the same goes to you. Im not here to make the decisions for you but you will be missed more than you give yourself credit for. Problems come and go but I just hope you won't make a hasty decision. Think of all the times i've gotten drunk :P wouldn't you miss that? haha but being serious again i hope you can resolve this problem and that you'll be joining us again in a few days. One thing i would reccomend though is more communication. You don't feel welcome in the main house, well then say so. If you don't like what some people posted tell them. God knows i go on the net late at night dead tired and i want to post something i'll probably overlook something. i wouldn't mind somebody correcting me as long as its not done in an evil manner. if i make a mistake i'd want to correct it. anyways as you were saying when you were talking to O. this is getting into a post into itself so i'll stop now and maybe write something in my own blog. good luck and i hope to talk to you soon

CBK + His human
heh, I just remember that you guys have these blogs... but I feel I should comment on some things you have said.

You said you feel more at home in the TG? Yes, believe it or not, that is how it should be. You have spent most of your time there, and it's a bit hard to let go of the roots... that's how it is, that is how it will be, and unless you dislike the TG, I can't figure out why you think there's something wrong with that.

As for advancement, there is always room for advancement, but it is up to you to figure out how... if you can't figure it out that is not the fault of the clan. It is your human's responsibility to figure out how to advance your character. It is simply unfair to expect others to do it for you, as we have human lives as well.

As far as "more money than required", I know exactly how much you have given, and I can tell you that you are not near "more than required" status. If fact, if I remember correctly, your character did nothing for months after she advanced from the training grounds... However, if you have a problem with the job you have chosen or feel that you are doing more than you should, perhaps you should talk to a clan leader and you will be appointed another job. But as far as Heorot goes, it's pretty much coin or blood... you have to give something to the clan. I know that I myself have lost at least 10k in blood during my stay here, and I think that's a gross underestimate...10k BPs = 250k coins...

But whatever, I'm tired of the RL clashes as well... but I think that stems from your characters being younger than other people here and not interacting much with those outside HoH, so it's hard for you to draw conclusions from things that you see in a much different perspective than let's say AQel does.

But if you feel that Heorot is offering you nothing, then you are welcome to leave. I think you will find that it's the same anywhere else you go.. you've been in Cap you should know how it works... at least here we try to make sure that no one else kills you. Speaking of which, if you feel that you were used, that is fine. I feel that you used us as well, and you cannot deny it. I am a big fan personally of executing spies on sight... but we liked you and didn't kill you... even more so, we let you stay! So I really can't see where exactly your complaint lies in that sense.

I'm in no way trying to start an argument, but I just wanted to comment. I really do hope that you won't leave, because I've grown somewhat accustomed to you, and you and O do such good work in the TG... but if you feel that is for the best, then I won't stop you.

Oh, and btw, this commradice that you speak of... you should know it works both ways. If you don't make the effort to get to know people within the main house, why should they be the first to make an effort to get to know you. As far as my personal experience with you, you only message me once in a blue moon to drop off coins... never just to chat. If you keep only talking to the same one (maybe 2) people, you're never gonna meet anyone else... but of course, that's all their fault and in no way yours.

Oh, and one last thing... feel free to start an RP on the main board... as far as I'm concerned, i don't want to participate in mud throwing or whipped cream fights because honestly, I find it pretty dumb. AQel's RP died because it was pretty old, and it was hard to get into it if you weren't there when it JUST started (a lloonnngg time ago). So yea, if you start an interesting RP, I think people would be up for continuing it.

-Pandrora + human
*who is too busy to make sure everyone is happy and hopes that people can take their own lives into their own hands*
just read your comments... most of which seem to pertain to what's in my blog. so in a way, this is all rather... well, after the fact. much has changed in my view on certain areas though i have not updated it. don't really feel the need to discuss the changes as i doubt you really care to hear them-- though they're not actually negative.

my history is actually more my human's fault than my own. she was the one that actually spoke w/ my sire's human and followed her lead and actually put me into Cap since she claimed it was so great. i'd also like to comment that my life in Cap was actually quite diff than this. shadows there are not really one w/ the clan, so no, i really wouldn't have known how a clan worked. anyway, i could easily have walked away rather than confess. making that decision was, i think, truly the first thing i did whole-heartedly. but yeah, now that i'm here i do try. i've been keeping a record recently of my work and aside from time for Cel i daresay i've been pretty on top of things. even managed to do what i could to make up for that last quest. aside from the first few wks, i've done what i can as far as giving w/in what you told me was expected, even if meant giving more like 60-70%. but as you will recall i accepted the possibility of my death-- almost welcomed it really, as a way of wiping the slate. not sure in what way i've used the clan. have honestly given it my all when the human allows it. and, um, i did talk to AQel after my blog went up. which is, once again, why all this is fairly moot. one of the things we talked about was ways to get to know other vamps. her request for everyone to write their stories came, in part, from that.

in the beginning i talked w/ a few vamps from the MB and then it sort of faded. some i im'd a cpl times but never got any kind of response from. O says it's been pretty much the same for him-- some just aren't interested in talking. which is fine. at the moment there are actually a number of vamps that i currently talk to so... your sarcasm is rather uncalled for. i used to try to strike up convos w/ you, but you never seemed interesting in talking to me. the only time i ever hear from you is when it's time for a dropoff, and even then you seem to make it pretty clear you're not interested in a social chat. when i asked someone about it i found that i'm apparently on your permanent black list, in part due to the spying issue. my human was a bit stunned as she had honestly forgotten about the entire thing by that time. (it was all of a wk and a half out of her rather stressful, busy life.) i had not really thought about it because i tend to be rather forgiving. i have exactly one vamp on my blacklist and it's one of those things i know i'll never deal w/ anyway. ironically enough you, Pand, were my main reason for choosing to bare my soul and stay.

um... the mud thing was hardly meant to be intellectual. did it partially out of boredom, partially for laughs, and part just to see who'd jump in. pretty much all attempts to do an RP on the MB have failed miserably. that at least entertained a few ppl and got some to participate. which was the whole point. ;) as for starting a new RP... well, O and i constantly have things in the works but the MB just doesn't seem the most fertile soil.

~C. and human is too insanely bloody stressed about any and everything in life right now to even think about this anymore. thus, the RP blogs have all died while the RL one fills up.
that "blacklist" was like a year ago... i think whoever gave you thank information is a bit.. outdated ;)

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