Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Questions & Confusion

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

At first glance it would seem that all is well. We have discovered a way to disable the key weapon of our attackers and everyone made it safely back to the keep, including Oneirus. Or did he?

My first feelings on seeing him again were nothing but joy and relief. I worry about him, and he forever seems to give me cause to worry. Yet there he was, safe and sound in our rooms. But... from the moment I spoke to him I felt something wrong. It was like the one note on a piano that is ever so slightly off-key, jangling my nerves.

I know him so well... or at least as well as I can know him. Well enough to know how he sounds when he is angry or upset with me. This was far, far colder and I had done nothing to displease him. Then I noticed his attire-- strange, stark-white armor trimmed in cardinal red. Beautiful, yes, but more than a little odd. My companion's wardrobe is nothing if not dark.

All is not well and I know it. Who is this stranger, this wolf in O.'s skin and what has become of my companion? Does he lie trapped within, somewhere behind those angry eyes?

posted by Creide at 11:53 AM

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