Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Unlife is strange. *lol* Yeah, profound thought there. Seriously speaking though, at times I feel just plain "lost and confused" as my human would say. It is amazing how many conflicts come into play just over the course of one night in our immortal world.

Change, they say, is inevitable. I hate change. *sigh* Strange coming from me since I have a knack for pushing change, occasionally even giving it a little kick in the right direction. Yet... it scares me. There, I've said it. Change brings in the unknown, the uncontrollable and I would rather have my hand directly on the controls. On the other hand, I know change is essential and frequently good. Perhaps for that reason I am not one to fight against it, not often.

That does not mean I approve or agree with it. Believe me, I have had to stand by and watch terrible things happen. Things that made me feel hollow and cold inside. But... if I had moved, or spoken, or done anything to stop the flow of time and change, it would have been wrong. The simple fact is that I cannot always have things my way. No matter how badly I may want this vampire to stay or that one to go, this one to succeed and that one to fail... I am not the decider. I can only express my wishes, my dreams, my hopes. Will that be enough? Is it ever?

As of right now, I don't know. Time and patience, which I have little of, are the only answers I have.
posted by Creide at 11:55 AM

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