Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Methinks I smell the first stirrings of change upon the wind. It may be an ill wind that blows through these days. Yet... ill or not, one must be prepared. There is much going on in various places, yet nothing truly worth ranting on about.

Actually I did that a bit yesterday and I was not alone. *lol* Several of us have expressed concern over the failing health, no... death, of the TG. As of result of a combined effort, spearheaded by the Warden himself, we have been given the promise of a better future. We hope. Well, new blood at least. As I was told earlier, "baby, baby, baby steps." As if I am patient enough to sit and wait. HA.

Of course, being me I really cannot sit still for long. So I have managed to get my hands into yet another pot elsewhere. Apparently it was set up last week though it still *ahem* has not taken place... but I am to be the HoH-KoH Ambassador to SI. Rather looking forward to it if only to keep myself entertained for a time. I still hold my post as Ambassador to CWD, but aside from a disgustingly successful line of trainees and one recent graduation, nothing is really happening there.

On a more personal level, I am quite pleased with TVRP. There have been a couple of very minor snags but... who can complain? By week's end we will be rid of all non-participants. Regretfully that group may include my own childer. *sigh* However, in the end that is the best for all involved. Our numbers have continued to grow one vampire (or Lycan) at a time and I am thrilled with the current run of things. The only thing I see myself having to play "Lady of the Keep" on is the issue of the dreaded god-character. Yeah, one of those. It is too early to tell, but his Lordship *snicker* and I are ever vigilant against anything that may take away from the story.

As I write this, night falls over the city... and our enemies begin to stir. I am still not at my best; the cut has healed but some wounds are far deeper and more painful. Yet we will set off into the streets once more, not knowing what we may encounter. All I know is that somewhere out there is someone filled with hatred... someone that hunts only me.
posted by Creide at 3:43 PM

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