Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Passage of Time, Unlife Not Sublime

Monday, March 14, 2005

Much has happened in the past months, and each week brings new adventures of some sort. Time marches endlessly on and I am continually amazed by the way a single day can drag on for an eternity... but a single night may flash by in a second.

Perhaps it is best to run down the list of highlights. To begin with, I pleased to report that we are currently at peace. These days I rarely frequent the public halls; there is nothing there for me. My time is divided primarily between the keep at TVRP and the various KoH halls. I remain a Shield Thane with fairly good luck. My deposits are less frequent in recent times, but far larger than in the past. It simply works better for my schedule to run things that way. I am still Ambassador to CWD, though no longer the only one. I cannot say that I am pleased by the new arrival, for a couple of reasons. I did, however, make a polite overture to welcome him, as I felt was my duty. That... is all I will say on the matter.

Hm... I could go from there into a spiel on a couple of other things I have noticed, but... no. I have been playing relatively nice lately and am quite enjoying simply watching the way things go. Indeed, I have more than enough to keep me busy without intentionally sparking anything. For one thing, I spend more and more time in my office as Ambassador buried under mounds of paperwork. Their TG is simply enormous, and that is not counting the new Blood Camp full of advanced trainees. As much as it pains me to say it, our own TG looks more and more pitiful. Where it once was boisterous and full of life it stumbles along. We desperately need a influx of new blood willing to buckle down and work-- but perhaps more importantly, we need new blood willing to speak out, speak up, and participate.

We are experiencing vast success in the newly renovated TVRP hall. A small number of friends and family have joined us there, in addition to some new faces from elsewhere in the city. At the moment, I regret to report that there are some that will soon be put out for lack of participation... and perhaps a couple there for the wrong reasons. While it is open to any and every one, we will not tolerate freeloaders living in the keep and drinking up free blood. Nor will we allow sleepers to silently stalk any of the members that make our home their own.

Things there are currently winding up. The action for the moment is simply building. Soon the floodgates will be unleashed and I cannot guarantee the safety of the others, let alone myself. Already I am weakened by my own sacrifice, and not merely by the blood loss. To use a forbidden text, and accursed book... was to invite Hell itself into my being. The foul touch of the demon on my soul will stay with me and I fear the effects that may come to bear. At the same time I find myself stalked by some silent assassin. Someone... wants me dead but I do not yet know who or why. The thing, the face, I have seen in my mirror of blood terrifies me, but I know it will come and I must one day face it. But enough... On to something less troublesome.

Perhaps the biggest change brought about in the past weeks is my new family. Such ties were something I missed from my human years... and even my time with dear Audric. So, some time ago I decided to make a formal change and take full er... sirental rights and custody of a new childer, View. In the beginning we had to have a little chat about Hunters and why he will no longer chase them, but that aside it has been wonderful.

Even more recently, I was honored with an invitation into what Oneirus has dubbed "The Fam." I am now the youngest childer of Pandrora, who has not yet killed my for calling her mommy-Pand. :D Oneirus and CBK are now my brothers, and I also have a sister, spookie. Right now there is a plot under way to pit The Fam up against AQel's family in an all-out Battle-of-the-Fams sort of deal. Details will forthcoming as they come out.

That is all of the paper news but beyond those things, just the past couple of weeks have been a time of discovery for me. Something, somewhere has changed where I am concerned, but I cannot figure out what or how. So for the moment I am immersed in an attempt to understand something of the way others see me. My timing could not be better... or stranger. Last week for some reason, AQel started in on this whole closet thing with me. It was rather... shocking. I mean honestly, open seduction in front of witnesses. *lol* I will probably never understand exactly what that was about. During the same time frame certain others were openly admiring or flirtatious.

Surprisingly enough, I managed to find something I never thought to come across, a vampiress that truly seems to understand certain aspects of my persona and happens shares certain rare qualities. It is good to make a friend, particularly one truly open and understanding of what the what itself means. However... all such finds are not necessarily good or pleasant. Then... neither are they bad. Ill-timed? Yes, perhaps that describes it best.

It is funny in a way, or simply ironic. I can see the truth behind almost any political situation, make rounds as a social butterfly when it suits me... even managed the considerable task of talking AQel herself into a corner last week. Yet I find that I fail miserably at reading and understanding others when it counts the most. I cannot always solve things as simply as I might wish. Such is not always the way, no matter how I might hope or try. I have realized the truth of it all now-- that in the end, unlife is as uncertain life itself. Where any road will eventually lead... it is impossible to tell. Likewise, the future itself remains unclear but where happiness is truly deserved, it will always be found in some measure.
posted by Creide at 7:58 PM

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