Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Shrine Divine and Other Ramblings

Monday, March 28, 2005

To begin with, there is not much going on here of late. Be that as it may, I feel like posting. Wise would I be to drag my human off to bed, but... there is still... And, er... Love how I am truly so weary that I cannot even think of an excuse. Is this good enough-- my shrine plans? Hardly worth going on about... but this one will be special. Granted, I have said that before about the others. To be precise, I think it was just about the Pengra one. The Hermes one stands even now, but grows dusty as he disappoints more and more often. Gods so ancient must be well chosen, of course. Above all else, the selection of a deity matters most.

Love of the selected one matters less than dedication. Is that wrong? Not really, simple the way of things. In ancient times, the sacrifice was the thing and so it still is. Our adoration is of little value to one that is on a higher plain. Choice blood, tender flesh-- these are the things a hungry god or demi-god crave. But such things are easy to obtain when one lives a vampire life. In fact, it is almost too easy. Our lives are filled with nothing but the spoils of our fangs and blades. Fate... bloody, blessed fate.

We are the judge, jury and executioner at times. Came to that brilliant deduction on my own, yes. *lol* Together with our wanton desire for blood is something else. The feeling, nay knowledge, that we are superior to the creatures upon which we prey. Stars in our own right, dancing through the night. Above reproof and the fear of punishment.

What other creature could or would dare to rebuff us? Started out as a human myself, yet do I truly align myself with such? Out of the question. As soon as I meet a human beyond those bred to a level of high service, such as Killian, I may change my mind of course. Liking that idea, K? *snicker*

Soon I will have something of more import to write about, I hope. Developed a sort of... need to write tonight I guess. Into the blog with all of the silly things and fragments of thought. Love it... ;)
posted by Creide at 10:04 PM

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