Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Sounding Out an Idea

Thursday, March 31, 2005

This is something I have been thinking about. Time here is moving quickly. It is past time to ready ourselves to face whatever will come. Is our keep truly secure and equipped for this? Opposite sides prepare to meet and we may have the advantage of home terrain, but what of the balance of power?

I think it may be time to think about singling out another human for our side because I... Well, it cannot hurt to have someone less connected to myself when Killian is not wanted. Plus he has to be free to do other things besides managing both the keep and army when he needs to. I have thought about a second helper for a while but it was put on hold. Yes, K-- I know I am alive thanks to you. (Though at times I think you are not wrapped too tightly.)

This one would have some unusually powerful and god-like killing technique with a suitable name like Star Strike or Death's Kiss. *lol* No, no I'm joking... not trying to have the reading public put me away. He or she would simply be an ordinary soldier, that is all. One intelligent and obedient, not to mention well-acquainted with war and its sorrows. It is just an idea right not but...

I see no reason I could not use it for TVRP or something. After all, whatever is coming promises to be one of the bloodiest wars ever held. I will need some excellent troops to support me. The keep is so huge that somebody besides the vampires and Killian needs to sort of have my back. Of course I have several regiments of Loyalists but I... *sigh*

Well, I want to be as proficient a commander as I believe I am. Which means having someone to fall back on, who will not be leader enough to not buckle when terrified. Sort of... I mean, none of my people should prove themselves cowards or lest they wish to learn the true meaning of hurting. (No, K, the lesson should be taught by me, not you. Hm, or maybe we could both...) Anyway, I just need something more.

So I guess I... Yes, I need an officer under K who can inspire the men to keep moving in spite of his or her own fear. Of course there is a minor problem with that. The inevitable list of questions, beginning with a "what if.” Constant worries of the lazy vamp that is me, myself and I. *lol*

What if I create him and he is more of a hassle than K and Angel were? Suppose she does not do what she is meant to? What is it that I truly want him to become? Would she be mine alone to command, or also all of yours? (Shut up Killian, you can order him around anyway—wasn’t asking you!)

The real issue is making an investment in their development, whether or not I really would. Either way I think it must be decided soon. The action and intrigue are all set to grow. I need everything in place now as my health is not the best and Killian, being human (and having lent me some of his own strength), may quickly grow tired. Yes, now we shall see what we, and in particular our new friends, are truly made of. At least defense tactics are of no worry to me. And... Well, it is hard to foresee and plan for other issues before the enemy makes their move. It will be soon though; that is one thing I am counting on.

Already I grow impatient, longing to look into my blood-mirror and see if the evil one is coming yet. Yes, I am sorely tempted to use the magic I so hate and love. When I close my eyes I can feel it, the way it freezes and burns. It cries out from my very blood, making it hard to sit still. Perhaps that should be my greatest fear-- that the need within me and the mark of the demon will continue to grow stronger.
posted by Creide at 9:46 AM

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