Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

The Beginning of Things

Friday, April 29, 2005

I just returned from my first war party. Not the first I have attended, of course-- but the first I have truly taken part in. Over the past few months I have of course thrown more than one HW... but this is something different.

A total of 10 HW's in the past 24 hours and I loved every moment of it. Well... aside from not being able to scroll a target due to my short supply of SoTs. Was irked about that, to put it nicely... It will be ok though; used the last of my AP after the attacks to buy 100 of them. *mwahahahaaa!*

My only real goal in unlife at the moment is to take as much blood as possible and deal a killing blow. I must admit that I was rather jealous of those who expeienced that joy... but my time will come. I can almost taste it...

Now I must away-- to make an offering to Ares in appreciation of his bounty. Oh, to add to my amusement I had a... friend of a friend comment that they truly hoped I was enjoying myself in my attacks. Indeed I am, indeed I am. I hope the future holds enough such fun to keep me busy and focused on this for some time to come.
posted by Creide at 9:06 PM

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