Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Knowing... is Not Half the Battle

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I imagine it is hardly surprising that I have known of O's plans to leave the clan for some time now. It is an idea we both have considered at various times and I knew the day was coming. As my childer-to-be noted yesterday, his upcoming departure has been at the back of part of my dark mood of late. Yet... when the moment actually came yesterday, prior knowledge hardly mattered. Never have I seen so many vampires in tears over a loss, nor have I ever felt so... *sigh*

It is strange really. Though my human keeps reminding me that it is not really the end of things (as his post said, I know where to find him) I still feel an overwhelming sense of loss. For a time... Oneirus was all I had in the clan. There was a time when I felt isolated and out of place-- but he accepted me for who and what I was becoming rather than what I had been. I know he says I had a hand in helping him achieve his current... er, O-ness. The truth of it though, is that he had a much bigger part in helping me become the Creide I am today.

From the beginning he and his human encouraged (ok, badgered) me to make my way in the clan, to find myself and my voice, become who I wished to be. He has been the driving force behind much of my creativity and constantly played the dual role of Task Master and pompom toting cheerleader.

Our partnership has allowed me to get to know a side of him that few caught more than a glimpse of-- and for that I am truly grateful. Beneath the destruction and rebelliousness lies a wonderfully unique and intelligent character. Behind the angry vampire and his many personas is a talented writer and imaginative creator. At the heart of it all is an amazing sense of fun, a desire for light-hearted laughter-- yet at the same time the rare ability to reach seriousness of a depth not often seen in the world of vampire RP.

Each of us lucky enough to have been touched by the presence and insanity of O has received a gift beyond measure. With his departure-- and until his eventual return-- so passes the age of fun within the clan. The fun of mudfights and Barrelology, bus trips and machetes. For that reason-- and for all the good times, the occasional not-so-good times and the mostly awesome as hell times-- Oneirus, troublemaker extraordinnaire of Heorot, companion of my heart, I salute you and name your time with Heorot The Age of O. *pours out Guinness*
posted by Creide at 9:22 AM

An awesome post for an awesome an often misunderstood man.
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