Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

RP Confusion, an OOC Commentary

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Yup, I'm back to post-dating posts again. The majority of this really is a couple of days old though, so it's all good. Really!

Last night I had an interesting chat with the human behind my vamp's childer-to-be, Veronique. It all started with her saying that Ver was in about three different places doing three different things-- all within a single group. I laughed, knowing full well that Creide herself exists in countless different realms and times.

Indeed, simply looking at her places of residence can be confusing. It began in the Asylum, where she first found a home with her companion. Then... on moving to the main clan she found herself sharing another set of rooms with him. The same happened in the KoH board. Next, she moved into the then-home of Clan White Dragon and finally had a room to herself-- and her first office! When the clan grew and made their home in a new castle, guess who went too. Another set of living quarters, another office.

TVRP is by far the crowning glory of her home-making hobby. Finally a keep that belongs solely to Oneirus and her, designed to their specifications and bearing still more offices. (Sensing a theme here?) Ah, but then AQel agreed to give her an office inside the Asylum itself-- with, I might add, a window.

If you take each of these groups and add to them the various threads and storylines, plus another group or two, Creide in fact exists in about eight different places at any given moment. Talk about confusion! Now that O has left the clan, C's world is even more divided. In TVRP he is there with her as always. However, in the Heorotian world she is heartbroken, missing him terribly.

Alas, all is not well for her. Right now my poor vamp is getting a wee bit mixed up. She has all these different feelings due to various events... but the problem is that they can't be allowed to intermingle. So no matter how she feels towards someone in one place or even in chatting privately, she is forced to ignore that completely elsewhere. Perhaps the most profound example being her current living situation.

Presuming that they manage to survive the chaos and decimation of a demon vs. vampire war in TVRP, C will return home with her companion and sleep as ever by his side, curled up against him and trying to ignore his snores. *lol*

On the other hand... at the end of a long, hard night she returns home in the Asylum and all places Heorotian to find nothing but an empty space waiting for her. Oneirus has packed his belongings and gone completely, leaving her alone with her thoughts and wishes. Companionship in one place, solitude in the others.

At times I feel a bit sorry for her, but then again it is rather amusing from a human perspective. All of her recent exploits have been, really. Still, in a way I almost wish that I could split her character somehow. Or perhaps it is more that Creide herself is beginning to wish she could be two seperate people. In the end, both of us are probably wondering the same thing-- just when will it all become too much for her?
posted by Creide at 4:34 AM

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