Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I forced myself to set aside some AP last night, leave off hunting a bit early. I am ready, very ready. Just finished SS-ing close to 20 of the enemy for the Sword board. They're all sitting in a little huddle, practically begging us to come hit them. I want to-- ooh, do I ever want to...

Waiting very impatiently for the go-ahead. Taking a moment to look at my location and SS my sire, see if perhaps she is closer to the action. I tend to hang out in the same little area (my human has jokingly asked a friend to buy me a lair there) which, regretfully is almost always half a city away from the fun.

So I have found that the Scroll of Succour is a beautiful thing when it actually works for me. Only wish it worked for siblings, but of course that would make things too easy. Which rather makes me think mommy-P and others touting the whole binding thing had a good point.

I have just written a song for the occasion...

The Heorotians are marching off to war! Hurrah! Hurrah!
They'll throw HW 'til their arms are sore! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Then they'll use SoT's and Garlic Spray
Until SC regrets coming out to play
Oh the clan keeps marching, marching off to war!

The Heorotians are marching off to war! Hurrah! Hurrah!
They'll throw HW 'til their arms are sore! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Proudly wearing their colors, both black and red
Won't stop until a good number are dead--
Oh the clan keeps marching, marching off to war!

Which just goes to show that, as I have said before, a bored C is a bad C. Heaven help them all if we don't see some action soon!
posted by Creide at 12:18 PM

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