Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Been a Long Time...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Amazing how I never quite forget that I have a blog. I look at it now and again, maybe check those of my fellow vamps, just in case... yet rarely do I feel moved to sit down and write.
This is one of those rare moments, due to a rather bored human. So here 'tis, oh lucky day.

I suppose I should start out with news. It is now a month since Oneirus left the clan. Odd, but it doesn't seem that long... yet it feels even longer. TVRP continues to thrive, though we are at a bit of an odd point. One very active member has apparently left the game... but neglected to let us know. Not particularly amused about that but I understand that RL issues are to blame. *shrug* On the HoH homefront things are pretty much business as usual. Most of the boards are dead or close to, hobbling along with the occasional random attack or shop posts. The exception is the TG, where I have the poor little dears working on a couple of games-- but I will get to that in a moment.

Other general news... well, not much really. Over in Sanguine Draconis land, there's been yet another episode of leader desertion. No point in naming names; we all know who they are and where they went. I find it apalling really. To essentially thrust those dependent on you into utter chaos, then walk out on them... atrocious. Talk about displaying a serious lack of maturity and leadership. To be frank, it is probably best for all that they stepped down. Enough about that.

On to the only exciting things happening. AQel has us all stockpiling and of course we know what that means. I can hardly wait, which is in a way a bad thing. Not wild about the idea of any Heorotians being fired on, but the idea of returning fire... *drool* Interestingly enough, nothing was said about it at the meeting last night. Our queen was too busy doing the dramatic formal thing. She had two chances to do it too, though my human was off having dinner for most of it. *snicker* Scarletblooded graduated into the main clan as a Sword (with her more-or-less fully powered self) and CBK was promoted to the Second Circle.

As of right now I am less than 400BP from my big goal. So... in a week or so I expect to make the big switch to the Swords. Been spending pretty much all I have on weapons and haven't bitten vamps for about the last 3k BP or so. Ah yeah, did just bite a certain vampiress a few minutes ago, just for fun. (Need to brush my fangs... germs... *shudder*) Starting to get antsy though and thinking about switching back to biting in the occasional bank or whatnot. Can hardly wait! Yeah, I know it is silly for me to make such a big deal out of it but I can't help it. Not much else to be excited about around here and I have worked hard to get there. Hm, might just throw myself a party. (If I don't, who will?) Hell, might just might save up and buy myself something shiny-- after I get everything else on my shopping list. *snicker*

Ah, the TG. Started with the Riddle Game, which was a pretty good idea, if I do say so myself. If nothing else, it has given me a chance to talk to most of them one-on-one, get to know them better. There are a couple in particular that I think will make wonderful clan members one day. I see a lot of potential there. Although I can still think of at least two that I feel should be cut. Of course, that's not my decision to make.

Which leads me off on a bit of a tangent. I am getting that old familiar feeling again. The odd one where I am in all these different places at once... but don't really feel like I fit in any of them. Ever since SD moved to the icky web board, it has felt less personal to me. Too many different things going on, random posts stuck here and there. *sigh* Things in my own clan are more or less usual, but sometimes... well, I just hate the doldrums. Which is why I spend so much time in the TG. Even without O there, it feels most like home. I worry about what happens there sometimes and wonder what improvements can be made. It has been over a month since the last new addition and I was thrilled to hear that AQel was interviewing someone yesterday. Yet... well, I honestly think that she and I would look for somewhat different things. Rather have a strange notion that I would be a bit meaner actually.

More and more I see a subtle change taking place there. Not necessarily bad, simply different. Well, perhaps it is bad in a way. It lacks structure. The trainees get their powers, post about it when it suits them or never post. Of late, they have just sort of been there. Powering up, yes. Even RPing, if you can call the overflow of sappy coupling stuff that. There is something missing though-- the training part of it. I can think of a short list of things I would change, new requirements and such, were it only my place to do so. However, as it now stands...

I understand more than ever what Oneirus endured as Warden. Being essentially shackled or muzzled for too long can kill spirit, or make a vampire bitter. I have seen it happen. Not a good thing when we are granted an eternity to live. Having the will and devotion to change things without the ability to independently set things in motion, or even any say in who comes or goes... It is frustrating at best, but such is unlife. *shrug*

At the moment I am doing what I can, running the games. In part for my own entertainment, but primarily because I think the trainees should get to have fun, have a little help with powers-- and that they need something more than just "congrats on your new power." Powers are a necessity but they are not all-important, or even that special in the grand scheme of things. Any vampire can attain full powers, including our worst enemies. It is the vampire within that forms or breaks bonds, lends strength to the clan... or becomes the weakest link. Which is why I feel that interaction and socialization are the key to raising well-rounded, loyal clan members. We have lost so many members and trainees in the past few months...
posted by Creide at 2:14 PM

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