Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

OOC: For All the Joy Stealers

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Before I begin let me state simply that this is my opinion, voiced on my own behalf and not directed at any particular person. Feel free to disagree, debate, etc. If you know me, you will know I don't care. ;)

Some things in RP should go without saying, but sadly there is no manual for this one. Perhaps we need an "RP for Dummies" book, to be read and shared by all gamers. What would it say? First and foremost, unless there are preset rules, you cannot expect anyone in the game to follow the same set you yourself choose to follow. You will inevitably wind up disappointed if you do. People do not read minds, nor do they always agree or even respect others. Sad, but true both on and offline. If there are in fact written rules you can expect them to be broken. Painful but equally true: people will be people, and people often suck.

Indeed, nine of out ten times things that hold true for real life will also turn up in RP. For example, things will not go according to plan. If you have a brilliant storyline planned out and it involves other people, it will fall to pieces, or they will completely fail to meet your expectations, or the entire thing will take some completely unexpected turn. Believe me, I could give you countless examples that had my usual partner-in-crime aggravated and left me frantically rewriting and trying to work around mistakes or misposts by others. Yet these issues are simply part of interaction and socialization, for humans and vampires alike.

It is regrettable that the one benefit which draws most of us into RP-- the one thing that can sometimes make it so much better than RL-- is often the very thing that backfires. Simply put, we forget that RP is just that, play, not real. It is merely a game for our amusement, used to unwind or express our more creative sides. Yet all too often people overlook that most important point. They get so wound up and involved that they cannot see beyond it. Yes, it is a wonderful way to express your inner self or those secret longings-- but you absolutely must remember that the myriad of other players are all doing exactly the same thing. You would not see eye-to-eye in person, nor will you online. With every game there will be plays that nobody agrees on. One person or side will always cheat or claim injustice. Both may be right, or neither. Does it really matter? Of course not.

Yet... the bickering and mockery and whatnot continues. I know I must sound like a broken record but it must be said yet again, so take notes, dears. If anything going on in the game truly bothers or disturbs you, if you find yourself unable to draw that OOC-IC line and stick by it, perhaps you need to rethink your involvement. If you have hit the point where it is not as enjoyable as it was, then take a break and send your vampire on vacation. Some time back I did exactly that, as some will recall. I got tired of the continual arguing and whatnot, bored with hearing the same old lines dressed up in different words... and I left. No clan or RP stuff until I was good and ready to come back and was told the dust had settled. Did I miss a thing during my absence? Nope. Same names, same games-- everything just as it was before the fighting that drove me away. My vampire simply came back controlled by a happier, more laid-back person. So if you need to, shut the computer down and completely forget the game exists for a while, secure in the knowledge that it will still be here when you return. (Eh, what's that? You can't do that? Hm, could be a sign...)

That said, on to the matter at hand. To be blunt, I am sick and tired of hearing about it because I did not sign up for this sort of petty disagreement and continual, pointlessly negative garbage. No one person or even side is guilty. It takes two to tango and at least that many to argue. I personally could care less about the situation and think it beyond obvious that there will never be a mutual agreement. My suggestion? Forget about it and move on. I have left other RP arenas for precisely that reason in the past. People failed to see that a line must be drawn, a point reached where everyone either agrees to disagree or puts things aside and walks away like sensible adults. If you don't like the way the story is written, create your own. No point in debating it or disrespecting each other. If you don't like the rules of whichever group, leave. No, don't just stop posting and lurk, reading and getting angry-- truly leave. Hell, do more than leave, be proactive-- go off and make your own group. That's what a couple of us did, creating a group specifically for stories or any other sort of friendly RP. Yes... RP can be friendly. Shocking, I know, yet take a look at a quote from our very short list of rules:

1. You may post anything you wish here; the ONLY exception being OOC stuff, guild movements, etc. There will be none of that.

2. NO clan fighting or politics here. This is for the enjoyment of us all.

Too bad more places can't work that way. Still, for those that have forgotten in the heat of battle and the clamor of angry voices-- there is still joy and relative peace and harmony to be had on the boards... but only when we make the mature decision and leave the bickering behind.

Oh yes, on behalf of my vampire... She pretty much shares my view of the issue. As you all know, she generally does whatever suits her. Which generally does not include getting into arguments with others, inside or outside of her clan. Few things mean very much to her, fewer still upset her. She does not set out to make enemies and has a certain level of respect for everyone in general. There are only a handful of vamps she truly dislikes, perhaps only one or two she would raise a hand to in anger. To her, the war is just that. War is not a personal vendetta for the duty-minded soldier. Should she meet any of the vampires that have attacked her or that she has attacked outside of battle, C would probably be her usual courteous self, as I try to be toward other players. Then again, that's just us...
posted by Creide at 3:49 PM

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Let Me State for the Record...

Monday, July 18, 2005

This morning I found myself reading a rather unexpected message along the lines of "How could you?" and "I expected more of you." It took me some time to figure out what the devil it could be in reference to, primarily because I tend to keep to familiar territory and it came from someone outside the KoH. Now that I know what that was all about, I want to make some things crystal clear.

First and foremost, I live my unlife to please only myself. If I choose to do something for someone else you can bet your blood there is a strong reason for it. Whether it is for financial gain, out of emotion because seeing them happy makes me happy, or to fulfill my personal sense of duty or (Ares forbid) charity, I am in some way going to benefit. Selfish? Hell, yeah. It is part of my vampiric legacy and upbringing, just as a strict sense of duty is.

That said, it is my choice to belong to the House of Heorot and serve it to the best of my abilities. However it must also be said that my service and duty toward the clan is at times reliant upon my feelings and opinions. For example, should the queen see fit to finally ally with Cap and his minions I can gurantee you would not see Creide taking part.

That indeed is the crux of this issue: my personal reasons. Where the matter at hand is concerned-- and let me be crystal clear here-- I have none. I could care less about any of the vampires on the opposing side. I do not know them or their personal politics and therefore literally do not care if they live or die. All that matters to me is the joy of war. They try to kill us, we try to kill them. Nameless soldiers on the field of battle, not that difficult to comprehend.

Let us be realistic here. How many armies would actually stop their attack completely because the other side is having some sort of get-together? A funeral, no less. Hello? We're um, at WAR here... Memorials should be reserved for those on the sidelines or stepping out of battle completely. The time for a soldier to give voice to mourning comes only after the fight is won or lost.

If they want to play the emotional card or whatever and sit in a group long enough to get wiped out, that is their business. If they want to hit us back, that is clan business. For those not involved with the war, it is none of your bloody business. It does not concern me in the least for people to post what they will about the clan or kingdom. Each is entitled to express their his or her opinions, however ignorant or poorly communicated they may be.

However, if you choose to take it upon yourself to step to me and have the audacity to pass judgement on me or my actions, be prepared for me to take it personally. Frankly, I would not suggest it unless you are ready and willing to be called out. As I have no doubt made clear to all that know me, I have no fear or qualms about fighting.

In case you have not noticed, I do not take kindly to being unduly criticized by someone outside the issue. Not having a stake in things or losing half your BP like the rest of us gives you absolutely no say in the matter. Nor do I appreciate being told that you "expected more of me." Where the hell do you get off? How dare you speak to me as if I should live by your standards? You, of all vampires, have absolutely no right to look down on anything I say or do.

I chose to overlook your... indiscretions and kept my opinions of what you did to myself on the basis of remaining on friendly terms. I even took your youth, status and immaturity into consideration both then and when you took it upon yourself to insult Oneirus. Now though, it is past time for you to have matured and realized that words can and do lead to actions. By now you should know enough to hold your tongue in matters that do not concern you. So be informed that I not only take your words as not only rude and uncalled for, but consider them a personal affront. It would be fully to your advantage to either attempt to make your peace or back off entirely.


The vampire in question spoke to me again they were directed to my blog. These quotes are taken from the conversation that followed. The name and other identifying information have been witheld to protect the guilty.

vampire: i will stay out of it

vampire: and im sry i said that

vampire: i was upset

vampire: i shouldnt have stuck my nose in where it didnt belong

Creide: *nod*

vampire: but obsidian to me is one of the gratest vamps ever

vampire: and i was hopeing her service would go well

Creide: yeah and i'm sure her little cronies were hoping we'd back off and let their alts build up cash for more weapons

Creide: fyi, the SC was attacking that night, in spite of the fact that KoH backed off for an entire day out of respect

vampire: well i know that i shouldnt have stuck my 2 cents in

vampire: i was upset

vampire: and i reget it cuz i have no right to judge u by what i think is right

vampire: u live by ur own rules

vampire: and if it dont break ur rules its right to u

Creide: yes...

Creide: see, and once again this is me being nicer than others would-- upset or not, you need to watch what you say

Creide: think first, speak after

vampire: i know

vampire: im sry

The apology has been accepted and I consider the matter satisfactorily closed.

posted by Creide at 12:52 PM

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In My Own Little World

Friday, July 15, 2005

It seems as if time is standing still right now. The war is beginning to slow. Attacks on both side decrease, though we are far from ready to throw in the towel. Yet tonight we sit in silent respect, while our adversary takes a moment to... well, do whatever it is they are doing. I personally do not particularly care.

Come to think of it, that has been my attitude throughout this. I know my job, enjoy my job and have been told I do it well. Yet all this sitting about doing nothing kills the joy. There is not even an air of waiting just now. The battle simply... exists. I suppose given long enough the glitter will wear off of most things.

Which is fine in a way, I suppose. I have other things to keep my off-hours busy. A little side project of mine that I have spent some months working on did not quite achieve all I had planned, but now I have found a new way to put it to use. Fun, possibly quite exciting really. Oh, and having this thing in my pocket allowed me to do a, dare I say it, good deed. Think I just felt my horns shrink a little, damn them.

Aside from that, though things are currently at a standstill in the ever deadly world of TVRP... I have set out on a journey elsewhere. Taking only two others for company, I have left the TG in search of the missing Killian. Yes, I am indeed going to great lengths to recover a human, of all things. Trust me when I say that I have my reasons. Sometimes I wonder what I will do when the span of his mortal years is through and I am left again without help. Yet, if all goes well in his rescue and the recovery of the artifact I first sent him to retrieve, my manservant may well have many decades of active service yet ahead of him.
posted by Creide at 9:07 PM

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