Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Changes, Striding toward Future Goals

Monday, August 01, 2005

Much has happened in the past few days. My head is practically spinning from all the changes and decisions that keep popping up.

First, the usual things. The war continues. I awoke to find myself soaked and feeling rather faint. A small, yet coordinated attack has left me with 4381BP to my name. Somehow I felt it coming. Indeed, while my human was away this weekend, I spent time in the care of CBK, just in case. In the beginning of course I was aware that death could well await me... but somehow it seems more real when I think of how many BP's I have lost.

As I near the 4000BP mark, I realize that 2000 is not so far away. With that comes the possibility of being forced to necro. Which in turn makes me wonder... would I? If it came down to a choice between living and dying, which route would I take? On the one hand is the opportunity to rejoin the fight immediately and frustrate the enemy. On the other... honorable death, reserving clan funds for weapons and for others to necro.

I grow weary. The fight outside rages on, but something of the fight within me has ebbed away... My mind turns to other things, the changes that are happening within my unlife.

A couple of nights ago, CBK and I became companions. The following evening we sat through a failed war party. Failed, yet incredibly productive. In the end I found myself in the company of AQel, Tsini and CBK... and the conversation we that followed was one fueled by anger and frustration. However, the final result is the promise of long-needed changes.

It is too soon to tell the full impact, but changes are coming to the Kingdom of Heorot. They may not be easy, or gain the approval of all within our boundaries, but they could well be essential to the future of both kingdom and clans.

Closer to home, the queen has seen fit to grant both my fondest wish and a secondary request. I am now Chatelaine of the Asylum. AQel originally named me Warden, but at my request that title has been retired to honor Oneirus. Nobody else could really be Warden or come close to earning that title, I think. So I have taken the title of Chatelaine, referring to a woman given trust and control of a keep. CBK is once again given the job of Assistant, though he does not seem exactly thrilled about it. *snicker*

In addition to our duties there, we are now running the Heorot Entryway, greeting applicants and performing preliminary interviews with those interested in joining the Kingdom. It is my hope that we will be able to recruit to the Asylum both through the HE and by other means.
posted by Creide at 10:49 AM

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