Creide InDeed
A voice from beyond speaks on the life of the undead and finding unlife after death

Current Standings: State of the Kingdom

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Last night in a way spelled defeat for our queen. The Un-Named has left the KoH, pretty much at the worst possible time. What should have been a good meeting full of announcements turned instead into an ongoing debate over the fate of things.

My voice was heard, but I think not truly listened to. Hardly surprising. I am no politician, though in my own way I am perhaps a diplomat. Words are the tools of my trade, my preferred mode of expression... and far too often I see them misused and abused, destroying where they could create. Left to me, far less would be said in public... but I digress. My main feeling was that the KoH should be the least of our concerns. The clan itself is most important thing. Happily, we were all able to agree on that last part. Now... well, it is a wait and see thing.

The evening itself was a stressful one. After this bombshell was dropped, AQel and Ver surprised us with a party to celebrate our companionship. Very sweet and thoughtful (aside from our darling childer pouring champagne on us) but neither of us really had the chance to enjoy it. CBK was off doing negotiations soI was pretty much on my own. *sniff* Then talk went back to the disappointments of the evening... Really a miserable time over all.

When all was said and done I spent a short time with my companion and... well, we discussed a few things. As a result, I am simply going to bide my time for now, throw myself fully into the work set before me. Seeing to the trainees, the future of our clan, is the most important thing I can do for my clan right now and I intend to complete the task to the best of my abilities. That really is all I can do...

Oh yes, I am now down to 3747 BP. *sigh* Have been there for a day or two now, at least.
posted by Creide at 12:24 AM

Awww, I'm sorry hun, but I did say I'd make it up to you *fine print* offer expires in two days :P
there was NO fine print, CBK. so don't even try it. :P just cuz you're scared... *snicker*

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